We humans are self-examining creatures to one extent or another. We wonder who we are and why we’re here. Were we created by some Being and put here for a purpose? Or is this universe of ours merely the result of blind chance? The questions are myriad because this thing we call “reality” is so immensely complex. What is consciousness? What is real? What am I? What is good and evil? Is there a God?

Many people almost never confront these questions, sensing perhaps the foolishness of pecking away at their own existential foundations. Others will ask the questions, genuinely wanting to know who they are and how they fit into the puzzle. The task of figuring this out however is both arduous and frightful. The desire to know the Truth must overcome the desire for self-preservation. If it does not, the seeker will eventually fetch up in a religious cul-de-sac. Diverted from the quest to know the Truth by a belief (placed by themselves or by others whom they trust) that cannot be questioned for fear of…whatever. In this category we can place the believers of religion as well as the believers of no religion (atheists). The more honest response to this inability to comprehend reality is to admit to ignorance and leave it there. These are the agnostics.

There is another type of person for whom believing is not enough. There are those who burn to Know the Truth. They are willing to consider every possibility and to face every fear. It is for them that this site is created.