Everything has two sides. Every one contains a two and every two contains a three and three’s a magic number.

Three can be a bridge or a wall. Harmony or chaos. It represents the interface between dualities. This is the rarified origin of war. War requires two parties that define themselves in reference to each other. When there is peace, the people are one.

War is exciting.

Peace is boring.

War stimulates creativity.

Peace becomes stagnant.

In many cultures throughout time, it was believed that to die for a noble cause was to be preferred over a death from disease or old age. To love life and to cling to enjoyment was spurned as weakness. Strength was manly. Weakness was womanly.

Which is superior? Black, White or their mottled child, Grey?

To fear death is to suffer.

To embrace death is to be free.

To dance along the edge is Divine.