Deception. Lies. False Flags.

Wonderful things aren’t they? They contribute so much to our lives. Indeed to all life. We should always be grateful for the dishonest nature of Nature. We teach our children that lying is wrong without mentioning how often we ourselves have lied in the past. And for very good reasons.

Obviously (as in all things) we are talking about shades of grey as opposed to black or white.

If the cuttlefish changes it’s chromatophores to blend into the background and thus escape the hungry eyes of a predator, it becomes guilty of deception. The damned creature is a liar but at least it will live to lie again another day.

So while espousing that “honesty is the best policy”, we must all admit that it’s opposite is also true.

If lies are acceptable, what about more serious “sins”? How difficult would your situation have to become before you would steal food from your neighbors? Are people collecting public assistance from the government actually stealing food from their neighbors albeit legally through their tax dollars?

In the wild, do other creatures steal food from one another? Of course they do. They often “cut out the middle-man”, so to speak by simply eating their neighbors directly.

And that brings us up to the gran-daddy of offenses against God and man – Murder! Did you know that before the discovery and distribution of penicillin and later antibiotics, 30% of all deaths were by infection of one type or another. Murdered by microscopic predators. Most of whom are still around actually. Mutating (short) generation by generation in an almost (?) diabolical manner to eliminate our new-found defenses. Relentlessly and tirelessly picking our locks. Their success seems assured.

So murder is the accepted way of nature. Everybody eats somebody. Not only does God allow us to murder. He requires it of us.

As usual, when I indulge in writing in this manner, I only wish to give the reader something to chew upon. I cannot speak to it’s nutritional value, if any.