Month: September 2020

Fade Away Home

Did you ever notice that things age and fall apart? Stars die. Mountains crumble. Metals oxidize. Organics rot, Memories fade…

Why is that? Why don’t they become better and stronger over time? Why do our bodies weaken and die? Why does the quantum field lose coherence over time?

Well, it’s all about boredom.

You can’t have Something without Nothing. They arise and are defined by each other. The background field of reality is Consciousness. What we might call “God”. By that I do not mean a distant spirit-king. I mean You. With all your “stuff” striped away. With all your “somethings” removed.

Words fail here of course and I have tried to explain why elsewhere.

Conscious attention combining Will and Imagination is how all the “somethings” are created and how they are shaped and manipulated. As a thing is being created, it does become better and stronger over time. This is the growth stage of all creations. Consciousness is sharply focused during this phase because it is interested. It is learning and experiencing novelty.

The creation will peak at the point of maximum interest. After that, with more and more processes being relegated to autopilot programming, familiarity breeds at least apathy if not contempt and the creation begins to lose it’s fascination.

What we see as being the material world is held together by God’s Will and Imagination.

You are God. Your life is your creation. You can wipe the slate clean anytime you wish. Lose your will to live and your life (meaning the avatar) will end. It may happen suddenly, as in the case of letting it be killed or it may simply drift away into the dissolution of old age and senescence. Then, with your attention removed entirely, the creat-ure will turn to dust and be gone.

Grandma didn’t lose her mind to dementia. She just got tired of her creation. Tired of missing those who’ve gone before. Tired of the pains and illnesses she’s allowed herself to experience. Her True Self is off working on a new reality. Creating another Something as only the indestructible Conscious No-Thing can do.

The Land Down Under

The Underworld.

That which lies beneath the world.

A place that seems illusory from our vantage point. Inhabited by fairies and monsters. Devils and gods. The dead and gone.

The dark and murky waters from whence come our dreams and to where go our memories. The vasty subconscious mind.

It’s where we go whenever we cease to concentrate upon our Creation. Indeed, we are partly there now. Just because we wake up in the morning does not mean that we are no longer dreaming.

These “realities” we create exist like temporary islands floating in an infinite sea of imaginal potential. For just a little while they float along in the sunshine of our awareness. Then, inevitably they sink back into the chthonic depths.

As “children of God” (meaning God Itself as filtered through each unique persona or avatar), we are constantly creating our reality. Because we are at our core the One True God, our ability to create and change The Creation is precise and masterful. This contributes to the illusion that there is a solid and true reality. You may be tempted to say, “If I could create my own reality it certainly wouldn’t be this!”

Bullshit! Look closer. Know Thyself and all else will follow. If your reality seems to be messed up, it means you have lessons to learn. Learn them. Why do you think you are seeking knowledge?

Notice what happens when we stray out to the edge though. When we dabble with magic; when we hunt for bigfoot or UFO’s; when we pray to angels and saints. The things you will encounter exist in a quasi-real state until you solidify them through your belief and attention to become truly real to you. Suddenly you become an Experiencer. Your reality has shifted in amazing ways. You realize that you have gained Powers. If this happens with a comprehension of Who you are and what you are doing, you will become a mystic master. If it happens randomly with no understanding on your part, you will become a delusional mental patient.

Pay attention to your dreams. Study the symbolism. Be conscious of the world around you. Again, study the symbolic nature of what you see. As above, so below. As below, so above. This is the key to the Underworld. Once you have it, you can open the gates as far as you dare.

Your imagination is God’s Imagination.

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