One of the biggest lies that Western scientific materialist atheism brings to the table is that we are somehow more conscious than everything else. That we are aware in a way that smaller, less sophisticated brains can never be.

“Other creatures are just self-replicating eating machines. They aren’t really conscious like we are. They can’t make plans. They don’t really love each other. It’s just instinct. They don’t have feelings. Not really. Not like us. They are primitive. Don’t anthropomorphize them! They are just animals.

And plants? They’re not even creatures. They have no sense of self whatsoever! They are just cells organized into machines that are programmed to process matter in ways that are analogous to what animals do. Technically that makes them alive but they don’t know that they are alive. They don’t care.

There are other things that we can say are life. Things that are too small to be in any way conscious but they are organized matter. Fungi. Bacteria. Viruses.

Everything else? Just dead matter and dead energy churning around in dead space. Quanta making up atoms making up molecules. Not alive. Not conscious.

Damn. We are special!”

We teach this to our children. Some of them believe it. They think about it. They go home, procure weaponry and return to the school. They try to eliminate the source of the pain they feel. The pain that is caused by the contemplation of  the empty pointlessness of it all.

Taught as truth: Originally there was nothing. Somehow it then exploded and that’s where all this matter and energy came from. Oh yeah, and a bunch of Laws. So the stuff tends to organize. None of this contained consciousness. Why not? Well there was no need for it, of course. Over time, entropy will return everything back to nothing again.

Fact: We are conscious. You may argue that the brain only creates the illusion of consciousness. If that is so, then who is experiencing that illusion? If you think that you are not really conscious, you might as well stop reading right here.

The current scientific theory is that matter somehow becomes more conscious as it acquires greater complexity. This sounds dumb. There’s a reason for that…

Because it’s dumb.

Consciousness is not a curious little phenomenon that only occurs in certain highly specialized monkey brains. Consciousness is the all-encompassing primary background-field of the universe. God; The Ancient of Days.

You and I and every other thing in this universe is this same God peering out through myriad different realities and experiencing Itself as Everything. You are a character in the Great Play. Your life is a blink of God’s eye that opens with your birth and closes with your passing. You are actually God peering out from that meat-puppet. When your puppet dies, you will discover this truth.

So rejoice! Your soul is the eternal Soul of All. You are everywhere and everything. All is conscious because all exists within God. This Consciousness is in all things equally but manifests in different ways. The “genius loci” are real as are the spirits of the land revered by so-called primitive religions. The very stones are your brothers and Earth is your mother more literally than you know.