Month: April 2019

God’s Cogs

Have you ever experienced telepathy? Direct mind to mind communication?

Of course you have! (Although you may not have recognized it at the time.)

It is important that you understand what this is and how it works. Lest you miss out on some important things that are going on around you. There are also other minds that can victimize you without your understanding or even noticing what is happening until it is too late.

The key to understanding this lies in the fact that there is only one Mind. Because this is the mechanism, thoughts originating from somewhere else will seem to arise from you own consciousness and you will misidentify them as being your own.

Groups of smaller minds can work together to create single larger minds. How many single cell creatures have combined to make up you? About 35 trillion. (Twice that if you include bacteria.)

How about the next level up? How many humans make up the clusters that we call Families? How many families make up neighborhoods? How many neighborhoods in a city? Cities in a country? Countries in a continent? Continents in a planet? Planets in a solar system? Solar systems in a galaxy?

How about going in the other direction? Molecules in a cell? Atoms in a molecule? Particles in an atom?

We are all beings cradled within and without by other beings, lesser or greater.

All of the thoughts that pass through your mind originate from elsewhere whether on purpose or by happenstance. God is doing all of the thinking.

What do you think about that?


I once moved from one home to another in the same city. Six weeks later while traveling through my old neighborhood, I suddenly had the idea to check the mailbox at my old place. This made no sense because my mail had been being forwarded to my new place for eight weeks. With the two week overlap there was no chance of my missing anything. As I was explaining all this to my myself, I rode my motorcycle around the block, stopped at my old house and looked in the mailbox.

There was a single letter. It was from a young lady I did not know. She was writing on behalf of a mutual friend. I wrote back to her shortly thereafter…

She has been my wife now for over 30 years and I love her more with every passing day.

And I would have missed her completely if not for a single irrational thought that seemed to come out of nowhere.

“You keep making plans and I’ll keep laughing.” – God

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