Category: Magicking


Radionics is a sort of catch-all term for a variety of machines. Originally introduced in the field of alternative medicine, they were and are roundly denounced in the world of material-based science as having no “real” basis in physics or chemistry and are thus relegated to the categories of quackery and fraud.

This makes the use and marketing of these machines tricky because practitioners may be charged with the crime of practicing medicine without a license by various government bodies. Leaving this aside, radionics absolutely work. They work because they fall into the scientifically sanctioned phenomenon of a placebo.

“The Placebo Effect” is where an inert substance is introduced to a patient who is told that it is a powerful medicine that will cure them of their ills. The patient will then take the medicine and become cured. This effect is real enough that all drug trials are required by law to take it into account.

Okay, so what we are talking about here falls into our categories of magick and faith healing. In both of these things, the amount of belief in the ability to attain the objective has a direct correlation to the likelihood that the desired thing will manifest. This is why a person who has no faith in spiritually based operations will not achieve any success which then reinforces their lack of belief.

This is the genius behind radionics. These machines are plausible mechanisms that work to bridge the gap between technology and magick. In effect, they work as belief amplifiers. This gives the less confident and therefore less powerful practitioner a more feasible way to alter reality. In the hands of already adept magicians, the use of one of these machines can take their powers to a whole new level.

Healing is only one thing they can be used for as they will work for the whole range of things that fall into the area of magickal workings.

So how do you go about getting one of these machines? A quick internet search will find a vast array of weird and wonderful contraptions. The first thing you will notice is the very high prices. This is a function of the, “You get what you pay for”, dynamic. Sure, you can buy a couple of knobs glued to an empty cardboard box but it won’t work because it’s not believable. You can also plunk down several thousand dollars for a truly beautiful art-piece which will work better because you are invested in the idea that it will work because you just paid a lot of money for it for it.

Neither one of these choices is ideal however. Like with all magickal tools, the most powerful ones are the ones you create and consecrate yourself. Instead of investing money, you need to invest your time and your creative skills. The more you put into building your machine, the more success you will have in operating it.

You can find many plans and ideas in books and online. Most are quite different from each other but that’s okay. Find something that appeals to you and feel free to alter the design to suit your own desires.

I myself have built a number of these devices based on the actually patented design of Thomas Galen Hieronymus. I replace his Eloptic prism with a device of my own invention that operates as a compact orgone accumulator as described in the works of Wilhelm Reich. This machine, (which I call “The Triple-Crown Device” because of how the symbols for the resistors appear on the electrical schematic) has never once failed to work spectacularly. It’s “set it and forget it” nature makes it a truly convenient and modern take on the art of spellcasting.

If you wish, check out the photos below and elsewhere in this blog to see how to build a Triple Crown Device of your very own. At the time of my last build (c. 2017), the cost for parts was around $300.00 USD.


The Scrying Game

Scrying is the art of seeing and interpreting visual pictures or patterns that can seem to appear when gazing upon a suitable surface or background. In effect, you are projecting your visual imagination onto an object.

Ideally, you want to use an object that does not provide a point onto which to focus. The idea is that by not being able to focus clearly on the object, you can stimulate the minds ability to form pictures much as it does when you are dreaming. But, since scrying occurs while you are conscious, it is more properly akin to a hallucination.

The most well-known of these types of objects is of course, the crystal ball. Another is the so-called “black mirror” which consists of a bowl that is painted on the inside with a black matte paint. You could also use something as simple as the screen of a cellphone that is turned off or even a glass full of water. Another option is to make a pair of Ganzfeld goggles by cutting a ping-pong ball in half and securing the two hemispheres over your eyes so that all you can see is a glowing white field. You can even just close your eyes and look into the darkness behind them. In the days before digital screens, many people would tune a television to a non-receiving channel and just stare into the static field.

The idea is to rest your gaze upon the chosen surface gently without trying to see anything in particular. Then keep in mind what it is that you want to know about. Eventually, your mind will begin to form pictures that appear to be located on the surface you are looking at. They are similar to the hallucinations that arise when you float in a sensory-deprivation chamber.

Some people will use a different sort of scrying by looking for recognizable patterns on a random surface similarly to seeing shapes in cloud formations. Tea-leaf reading is an example of this.

In scrying, as with other types of divination, the key ingredient or tool is the mind itself and it’s links to the depths of the underworld. You consciousness is a part of God’s Consciousness that Consciousness can see everything.


Everybody’s gangster ’til they can’t find their car-keys.

Unless they know how to dowse.

Successful dowsing requires a tool such as a forked stick or a pendulum to translate knowledge directly from the unconscious mind and into the physical body. This takes advantage of a what is called the ideomotor response. This essentially means that small muscle movements are allowed to be controlled without direction from the conscious mind.

Usually this is done by an individual rather than by the group effort required for such things as Ouija boards or table-tipping.

Traditional dowsing, (which is sometimes called water-witching) was done for the purpose of finding hidden resources under the ground. Most commonly water but anything may be targeted. Dowsing can be used to locate oil, minerals, buried pipes or unmarked gravesites. Since this a function of the mind rather than some magnetic or electrical phenomena, the composition of the target doesn’t matter.

Like with the development of any other talent, practice is the key. Most old-time descriptions of this art speak of the use of a forked stick taken from a hazel tree or some other thin, flexible wood. One hand holds each of the two forks with the stem pointed away from the practitioner. I myself have never tried this method as I have had great success using a weighted pendulum instead.

A pendulum can also be used as a general divination tool that can not only point in a direction but also to answer simple questions of the “yes” and “no” variety.

You can obtain a fancy purpose-made pendulum from a New-Age shop but a machine-nut tied to a piece of string will suffice. Hold the string with the weighted end hanging freely. You can use one hand or both at the same time. Try to hold it as still as you can until the weight stops swinging. Now you are going to basically interrogate the pendulum to find out how it will work. Address it as if it has a spirit of it’s own and ask it how it will indicate a “Yes” when responding to a question. This step is important because pendulums behave differently with different people. So a “Yes” answer could be swinging to and fro or it could be a side-to-side movement. It may also swing in a clockwise or counterclockwise circle. In this same way, find out what a “No” looks like. Now ask it to indicate a particular direction such as “North” or “To the front door”. The size of the swinging arc can also be an indicator of the strength or confidence of the response. It is also important to vary the length of the string as you will find it works best at a certain length which varies person to person.

Once you understand your pendulums “language”, it’s time to get in some practice. Essentially, you have to try to find something that you don’t know the location of. One way to accomplish this is to have a friend hide or bury a small object within a delineated area such a yard or a small field while you are not around. Then you go to that place afterwards and see if you can find the object. It is important that you do this without having that friend with you at the time lest their body-language or reactions give you clues even if only subconsciously. Another way to practice this which I sometimes do for fun is to use the Geocaching app to get your self to the general area of a geocache and then use the pendulum to narrow the search until you find it.

Don’t get discouraged if success is elusive. No archer hits the bullseye the first time she picks up a bow. Try different things. Try different states of mind. Try switching hands. Look for clues around you. Keep your mind open to other avenues of information. Sometimes a blowing leaf or the path of a bird in flight can give you direction.

As you get better at it, you will notice that you can predict what the pendulum will do next before it begins to move or change direction. This is because the information is coming from you, not the pendulum. As you begin to master this, you will find over time that you don’t actually need the pendulum at all and can find things without it.

Always remember that the magick comes from the magician. Not the tool.

It’s Elementary

The foundation of ceremonial magic is symbolized by the four alchemical elements of the Western Tradition. Those being Earth, Water, Air and Fire as proclaimed by Hermes Trismegistus in the Kore Kosmou. Aristotle later added a fifth element, Aether which was not adopted by many traditions because it’s nature was too nebulous and easily confused with Fire.

Each element contains dual qualities. Earth is cold and dry while Water is cold and wet. Air is hot and wet while fire is hot and dry.

Each alchemical element was given a symbol that was based on the equilateral triangle. Fire was a triangle with one point at the top. Water had the point on the bottom. Fire and water together made the Seal of Solomon that we see on today’s flag of Israel. I represents the combining of fire and water as the achievement of the impossible. It represents the paradox that is the attainment of Enlightenment also called the Great Work. Air was represented as an upright triangle with a horizontal line across the center while Earth was an inverted triangle with the same line across it.

Each element was also symbolized by a different magical implement. For Fire, there was the Sword. For Air, the Wand. Water was represented by the Cup and Earth by the Pentacle. Each of these has a corresponding suit in the Tarot. They are also utilized in the Wiccan tradition as well as other more formal types of ceremonial Magick.

These elements do not consist of only the physical manifestations they are named for but rather are seen to be the basic constituent components of the world much as we see in the atoms and molecules of today.

Hippocrates (according to Galen) assigned each of the elements to one of the four humours of the human body. Those being Black Bile (for Earth), Phlegm (for Water), Blood (for Air) and Yellow Bile (for Fire). Medicine at the time was considered helping a person to balance their own personal blend of humours in the body.

Tradition holds that the Elements have a hierarchical order with Earth at the bottom as being the most base and impure and moving up through water, then air, and topped by fire which is the most pure. Many modern practitioners tend to see the elements as more balanced and complementary.

We still see the descendent of these ideas in modern science’s four states of matter. Those being solids, liquids, gases and plasmas which correspond to their energy states or rates of vibration.

For symbolic purposes, we can see Earth as being solid, foundational and stable. Likewise, Water is relaxed and flowing. Air is free and expansive while Fire is energetic and purifying.

In Occult philosophy, everything consists of a different blend of elements.

In astrology, each Birth Sign belongs to one of the four elements to confer both positive and negative personality traits. Earth signs can be sturdy, logical and hard-working but also stubborn, lazy and materialistic. Water signs can be healing, peaceful and trusting but also erratic, indifferent and indecisive. Air signs may be joyful, communicative and imaginative but also dishonest and self-centered. Fire signs may be compassionate and courageous but they may also be obsessive, jealous and angry.

The rich symbolism of the four elements originated in Tibet and India and from there it was adopted by the ancient Egyptians and the Greek philosophers. And all these years later, we still find them useful symbols and models to help us shape our own minds. And as all magicians know, to shape our minds is to shape the our reality.

Astral Projection

Astral projection; lucid dreaming; out-of-body experiences; near-death experiences and even sleep-paralysis. These are some common descriptions of phenomena that hold one thing in common. The person experiencing these things seems to be detached from their normal everyday body while retaining full conscious awareness.

It is my own experience that leads me to think that all these things are one and the same. When I first learned how to “astral travel”, I would leave my body to lie in it’s place while I adventured around my neighborhood. It did not take me long to realize that I could fly in this state so that became my preferred way of exploring the world. As the rest of the world slept, I would be swooping through the night skies above. If you haven’t done this yourself, I can barely describe how delightful and real the experience is. At that time, I believed that my soul was actually separated from my body and flying around in the real world.

I would do the visualization exercises required while I lay in bed. Many times I would drift off to sleep but once or twice a week, I would successfully get “out and about”. After a short time, I began to notice glitches in the world around me. Sometimes something small, like a brass latch on a door that I knew to have a wooden knob. Or sometimes something larger, like a building in a place that there shouldn’t be one. I soon learned that if I gave these things attention, my astral foray would transform into a lucid dream. In other words, what I had thought to be the real world in my astral travels turned out to be a imperfect simulation of the so-called, “real world”.

Also, because both astral travelling and lucid dreams occurred on that knife-edge between sleep and wakefulness, I discovered that both of these alternate worlds existed in my own imagination.

“Aha!”, I hear you say. “If it’s just your imagination, then it’s not even real.”

The problem with this line of thinking is revealed by the use of the word, “Just”. It shows a sort of arrogance brought about by the assumption that you know what “Real” is.

Anyway, philosophy aside, I will tell you the technique that works for me to achieve this out-of-body experience.

First of all, I find it works best after a good night’s sleep. If you try it upon first going to bed, chances are you will fall into regular sleep because you are tired. So pick a time when you can awaken naturally but still lay in bed.

Lay flat on your back, close your eyes and begin to relax all of your muscles. Start with your toes and gradually work your way “up” through your feet; your ankles; calves; thighs and buttocks’. Tell yourself that you no longer exist below the waist. Withdraw your consciousness from your legs until they feel like senseless blocks of wood. Now relax your fingers; hands; wrists; arms, first lower then upper, followed by your shoulders. Like with your legs, withdraw your awareness of them and consider them lifeless. You now consist only of your torso and your head. Now put your attention down to your waist and do the same with the muscles in your belly and chest and pay special attention to your back. Feel the vertebrae fall loosely to the mattress below. Withdraw your consciousness out of your body until it too is no more than a block of wood. You now consist of only your head. Now relax your neck muscles. Continue to the back of the head and then around the ears. Now relax all the muscles in your face paying special attention to those around your eyes. Now withdraw your consciousness from your head. It too is now just a senseless block of wood. You now consist of only a mathematical point of awareness floating in the void.

The next step is harder to master but is very powerful once you do. In your minds eye, picture the ceiling above you. Do not open your eyes! Just imagine it. Now, in your imagination, spin around your horizontal axis. The direction doesn’t matter. Feel and see yourself turning to face the edge of the ceiling and then the wall to your side followed by the floor beneath your bed and continuing around to the opposite wall and then back to the ceiling. Practice this as many times as you can slowly until you can really feel like you are actually doing it. It may take several sessions to make the experience feel real to you. When it does, speed things up! Spin in place as fast as you can imagine and then through an act of deliberate will, float up toward the ceiling. Once you sense that the ceiling is close to you. Stop spinning.

You’re out!

The first few times you accomplish this, you may see your body laying on the bed below and you will fix your attention on it. After all, it’s a novel experience. However there is a powerful pull for you to return to that body and giving it attention strengthens that pull. You will then “snap” back into it. The sensation of this is exactly like waking up from a lucid dream. You may feel like you failed at that point but it’s okay. The most serious roadblock is now gone. Now you know that it is possible to do and you know you can do it again.

Whatever label we give to this experience, it is your individual awareness being separated from your physical body. It is you visiting another world. It is a world where your rational mind is diminished but where your true spirit shines. It is the underworld. A place where seeds can be planted that will sprout and grow into this reality. It is both a playground and a school. Once you have access to this underworld, you may find it useful to plan your excursions ahead of time and set up experiments such as remote viewing a real place in this world or communicating with different types of entities. You imagination really is the limit.

The Dumb Supper

When we lose someone we love to death without the understanding of what death is, we become victim to emotional grief. This is normal and the pain should gradually fade with the passage of time.

We never get over our loss but we do eventually get used to it. But there are times when we wish we could visit with those who are gone just one more time…

As it so happens, there’s an app for that! Well not literally an application but a set of procedures that we can use to communicate with the dearly departed. It exists in different forms in different cultures and has existed since time immemorial.


You see, death is not a real thing. The “spirit” for lack of a better word is outside of this world and also exists outside of time itself (which is also an illusion). You can know this for certain by attaining Enlightenment or by simply dying yourself. But you don’t have to have a sure knowledge of this in order to successfully commune with the dead. The belief that you can do this will suffice. And the stronger that belief, the higher will be your level of success.

Which brings us to a ritual that exists in different cultures in different forms. It’s origins and history are murky at best. Which makes it perfect for our purpose. It’s called The Dumb Supper. Just a word of advice, keep it solemn, keep it respectful and ground yourself in your love for the one you are summoning. If you get scared, that fear may open the door for something frightful to manifest instead.

It is traditionally performed at midnight on Samhain or Halloween night when it is believed that the veil between the worlds is thinnest. However you can perform it anytime you wish. It may help to pick a day that was special to the person you wish to summon such as a birthday or an anniversary. What we are looking for here is symbolism that not only applies to the desired spirit but also to death itself. We want to thin the Veil, not open it.

The Ritual

Do try to perform it at midnight. Not only for the symbolism but also that is a time when you are least likely to be disturbed. Seven days before the night you intend to hold the ritual, take some time each day to think about the person you want to visit you. Remember them and the times you shared when they were alive. Reach out to them in your mind and talk to them. Tell them that you are inviting them dinner and tell them the night and time you will be expecting them.

When the night for the ritual arrives, set out a table with settings for two people. You must make the tablecloth and as much of the tableware as possible black. Place a black candle on the chair opposite the one you will be sitting in.

Consecrate the area in whatever way you like. Cast a circle, burn some sage, say a prayer of protection. Whatever makes you comfortable.

You will prepare a meal of the food and drink that was loved by the person when they were alive. Make sure it is something you like as well. Have it prepared ahead of time.

When the time comes, dress yourself completely in black and sit down at the table at least half an hour before midnight. It’s called The Dumb Supper because you must conduct the entire ritual in complete silence. Spend the time thinking about the spirit who will visit and believe as strongly as you can that they will be there. When midnight arrives, light the candle (which should be the only light in the room), serve the food and pour the drinks at both place settings.

In your mind and heart, welcome your guest but do not say a word. Just keep yourself open to anything that might happen. After you are done eating and drinking, you may converse with you guest in your thoughts. Do not actually speak aloud or the spell will be broken. The spirit’s response can come in many different ways. It may be immediate or it may arrive soon after. It may be conscious or unconscious depending on your level of sensitivity.

When you feel that the visit has ended, silently remind the spirit that it no longer lives in this world and cannot stay. Bid the spirit goodbye and close the ritual with some form of “Amen” or “So Mote It Be”. Turn on the lights and clean up. Try to restore a sense of normalcy.

Pay close attention to your dreams and synchronicities for the next few days. Otherwise you might miss some messages. Be sure to write down any experiences because, like dreams, they may swiftly fade from memory.

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