“As a scientist, I can tell you that love is just a trick of evolution to make us procreate, care for our progeny and avoid unnecessary violence. It’s nothing special. Recognizing and accepting this basic truth makes me a clear thinker. I understand reality better than you do because I approach it with simple logic. You are a foolish dreamer seduced by perception filtered through chemical reactions in a complex biological system. I know the truth of this matter better than you do.”

“As a holy-man, I can tell you that love is the very spirit of of God. It is the center of existence. The ineffable pinnacle of consciousness and the ultimate reason for all there is. To try to couch this intoxicating experience in a frame of logic simply proves that you have no experience with spiritual reality. You miss the whole point by even trying to understand it. You are a soulless robot seduced by a desire to explain the unexplainable. I know the truth of this matter better than you do.”

As a magician, I can tell you whatever you will accept to be true. What do you wish love to be? The imaginary gentlemen whose opinions were written above have created very different worlds in which to live. Who is right? Or should we ask, “Who is more right”? There is only a disagreement here because we are asking the wrong question. Or perhaps asking the right question wrongly. It is entirely up to us what love is. We are the Gods of our own Creations. You know the truth of this matter better than I do.

The title of this post is also a play on words in honor of today being the third birthday of this Hearts of Paradox ‘blog. Woo-hoo!