Month: September 2018

This Deep Young Man Must Be

Painting on a field of dreams.
Waiting for my death, it seems.
Riding on my horse of bone.
Biding Time and Space alone.
Lifting stones of leaden sorrow.
Living yesterday’s tomorrow.
Lighting lamps to sing my song.
Fighting life, I linger on.
Breaking ties with joys of old.
Raking coals in ashes cold.
Sailing, searching, seeking land.
Trailing in the race of Man.
Bursting in my head the Light.
Thirsting for the simple life.
Pondering the voice of Is.
Thundering, the voice of Dis.


The taste of Truth was bitter upon my tongue.
It’s knotted noose
around my neck, I hung.

Do not speak to me of Truth.


Look around you. You see the world, right?


What you see is symbolic of the true world. As with most things I say, this makes no sense on the surface. That’s because you only look at the symbols that you have replaced reality with. Once you give something a name, it becomes the shorthand label. After that, you generally never see it again. It becomes a pale shadow of it’s actual self. You only experience it in a low-minded, glancing manner.

Which makes it seem inexplicable.

What is sex really? What is love really? What is death really?

Why do they all seem to be connected really?

Get out of that god-damned word-forest! Who are you? Your name? Your body? Your mind? Your soul? Your spirit?

Those are all labels. Symbols. They mean nothing by themselves. They are not the real thing. Not the real you.

The real you is… what?

If you can see through this once, everything else will fall into place.

We are evolving as a race. As more of us attain this State, future children will be born with this Understanding. This is as big as the jump from instinctive animal consciousness to human self-awareness. From a single cell to an amazing, complex organism.

Time makes a useful servant but a terrible master. The time we experience is symbolic of what? Think!

Think about generational relationships. Grandparents, parents, children. Where does one end and another begin?

Don’t just look at the surface. Not at the symbols. Not at dates and times. Look at what is passed from elder to younger. Memories. Discoveries. Can you see that it’s all one thing? An endless thread in an endless tapestry? Thinking of ourselves as separate people is a convenient illusion. And a dangerous one. This is the root of all suffering. Selfishness.

There is only One Thing.

One You.

The Paradox at the Heart of it All.

Meet Your Maker

The spiritual student looking for Enlightenment and the weekend thrill-seeker hunting for Bigfoot have two things in common. They are both persuaded that their quarry exists and they both believe they can attain it.

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened.”

The above quote is attributed to Jesus of Nazareth. It is important to remember that he was not a Christian. He just knew some things about reality.

About the way that you create it for yourself. About how dreams come true if you just wish hard enough. Pray hard enough.

Fear hard enough.

Part of you, way down inside is God. You have as few or as many powers as you wish. Most people like to believe they are powerless. That is a very good thing. It is safe. It absolves.

Not much fun though.

Chrysaline Dreams


Isn’t that the ultimate state? To act upon your desires. To exert your own will without responsibility. Without repercussions?


It’s right there for the taking. (Provided you have the strength conveyed by the Knowledge of your true nature.)

Can you provide your own security? If your Reality suddenly dissolved into chaos right this moment, how would you feel? How would you react? Will you still be okay when you lose your mind?

You won’t know until you try it.

If you are relying upon your mind to keep it together for you, there is a rather nasty experience waiting for you up ahead.

Your mind is a monster! It is not you and you are not it. This conglomeration of ancient, broken parts held together with the gum and rubber-bands of your scattered hopes and impotent wishes has you enthralled. Has you convinced that you could never survive without it.

This is the occult Dweller On The Threshold.

Can you destroy it? Or will it destroy you?

Which would be better?

“Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose…” – Foster & Kristofferson

NOTHING is invulnerable.

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