Aliens and angels. Gods and daemons. The Fey and the Djinn.

Call them what you like. There are entities that we don’t want to know about for the most part. Our refusal to look for them makes them appear to be hiding in the shadows. They are as plain as day to some of us but for most, they are mysterious ghost-like figures that interact with us as if from a different dimension.

There is nothing wrong with this. It is the natural order of all Creation.

Throughout time, mankind had looked up to these Powers in our bid to rise to higher levels of consciousness through prayers and magic as well as through invention and mastery over our physical environment. They in turn, have been ready to uplift some individuals as a way to gradually bring the entire population both in spirit and in body up to their own levels of understanding and ability.

And there are the other ones. The ones who will happily lure you down to their level. Since they have little of real value to offer, they will make great promises to appeal to your weakest nature. Your ego. Do you want money? Power? Fame?

Are they evil? Not ultimately. They don’t understand humans. We are a shadowy presence to them. Only when they can draw us down to their own level can they comprehend our motives and desires.

It has often been said that they feed on our fear but this is not literally the case. They enjoy frightening us for the same reason we find it funny to induce a jump-scare upon friends or family. They find it deeply funny.

What they do not enjoy is if you can turn the tables by laughing at them. Drowning them in gales of laughter is the surest way to rid yourself of so-called evil entities.