While studying Time recently, I experienced a quick glimpse into the future of human civilization. I was pleased to see that humans will grow up.

The story of our race reflects the story of our individuals. Like children in a nursery, we have struggled to understand how things work. Why sharing is important. Which children are more powerful and why. The benefits of teamwork. The results of conflict. The price of rebellion.

So often modern life appears to be a tragic, self-serving race to the bottom. Half of the world’s riches are in the hands of the “top” one percent. The “top” ten percent control 85% of the wealth. Oh dear. That’s not fair, is it?

As is true throughout this shadow-show, appearances are deceiving. If you are or have been the custodian of vast wealth, you will know that the attendant problems and issues inherent to that situation are overwhelming. Like the child at the playground who tries to collect and hold all of the toys for himself, the rich man creates as many problems as he solves. He draws unwanted attention. Many of his peers don’t like him. The ones who appear to, he cannot trust. In the end, he gives his money away and salvages what dignity he can as a philanthropist. Maybe something will be named after him. Another bleak Ozymandias. Lesson learned.

The material wealth of the world is held by fewer people because more humans in general now realize the foolishness of wasting their lives accumulating more than they need.

In the future there is no money. People have evolved morally. They do what they enjoy. They make things for fun and then give them away. They help others out of simple kindness and love. Items in stores are free for the taking. There is no reason for greed. I don’t know how far in the future my vision projected me, but telepathy was there. As a result, there was no secrecy. Everyone could trust everyone else. We had developed a “hive-mind” and humanity could act as one creature. This has already begun with the rise of the Internet. There were still separate countries but only for organizational and ceremonial purposes. There were no wars simply because nobody wanted them. Crisis management had been mastered to the point that problems were headed off long before they caused damage. Racism was gone (perhaps because distinct races were gone due to interbreeding).

The comparatively savage psychological environment of today has caused us to build mental defenses that turn us each into crusty little fortresses. Blinded by our own walls, it is difficult to truly see each other. In the future, human minds will be far more sensitive and open.

There were still problems but they were at a much higher level. What we might call “spiritual” issues now. Discrimination was still around but was now based on “ideas held regarding energy distribution”. (I am unsure what was meant by that.)

This “vision” or whatever it was lasted for only a minute or so but it was enough to see that humans will rock on. Our descendants have a bright future in store and everything we do now is building the foundation of their success.