Even though my completion of the Great Work or Enlightenment took place in mostly pre-internet times, I had still fallen “victim” to a number of “mystery schools” that operated correspondence courses via the post-office. I put the word “victim” in quotes because all experience has it’s value. I put the words “mystery schools” in quotes because, well… yeah.

If you don’t know what I am talking about when I try to describe the state of mind so aptly code-named “The Philosopher’s Stone”, and yet find yourself to be what some call a Seeker, you have a problem. Too much help!

Hop on the ‘Net and do a search for “Guru”. Or try “Enlightened Teacher”. “Mystery School” is still popular. Spread your net wider. Type “Church” or “Temple”. You may even find someone who can “channel” you an “Ascended Master”.

And so convenient. Get a book. Take a course. Attend a seminar. Go to a retreat. Let the imampriestpastorministerswamirabbi at your Standard House Of Worship tell you the Truth. Join a cult. Read some goofy blogs.

So many choices… Do all of these pathways lead to the same destination? Why are they so different? Do they have anything in common?

Of course they do.

The only teacher you need is yourself. That may sound dumb but only because you don’t know who you really are yet. The clues are all around you. Study symbolism. Stoke the fire that is your desire to Know WTF is going on here. You will need that fire in order to burn through and pass beyond all the bogey-men.  The knowledge you seek cannot be defined by words. Here is the closest I can get. If you are almost there, it may just be enough:


There. You’re God now.

No charge.