“You can’t judge a book by it’s cover.”

Bullshit. The cover is very specifically designed to communicate to the reader what to expect to see upon the pages within. The title; the author; the blurb on the front cover. The description and the testimonials on the back. The illustrations and even the overall color scheme are all carefully chosen to tell you as much as possible about what lies within.

There is no better way to judge an unread book than by looking at it’s cover.

That goes the same for people. Beautiful people are beautiful inside in the same way that ugly people are ugly inside.

I imagine some of my readers are losing their shit over that last statement but please read on and allow me to explain.

Certainly one cannot learn much about another with but a cursory glance. But any person’s true character is always on display presuming the beholder is capable of truly assessing it. Whether through thoughtful observance or simple intuition, our “physical” form is our true “spiritual” form.

It has been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul and that is literally true.

That soul exists outside of time. With practice and insight, one can learn to simultaneously see what a person was like when they were young as well as what they will be like when they are old.

A human being when viewed from the fifth dimension looks like a serpent due this fourth dimensional aspect.

The so-called “spirit world” is not some nebulous, airy-fairy place where the “ancestors” live after they died (Like that any makes sense!) and where we will all will go to live after we die.

Wake-up sleepwalkers! Heaven and hell are right here, right now. It is you that creates your reality. You are your ancestors. This is the spirit world. And it is every bit as beautiful or as ugly as you are.

You are what you are.

And your true nature is written on your face for all to see.