Tag: Time

Fade Away Home

Did you ever notice that things age and fall apart? Stars die. Mountains crumble. Metals oxidize. Organics rot, Memories fade…

Why is that? Why don’t they become better and stronger over time? Why do our bodies weaken and die? Why does the quantum field lose coherence over time?

Well, it’s all about boredom.

You can’t have Something without Nothing. They arise and are defined by each other. The background field of reality is Consciousness. What we might call “God”. By that I do not mean a distant spirit-king. I mean You. With all your “stuff” striped away. With all your “somethings” removed.

Words fail here of course and I have tried to explain why elsewhere.

Conscious attention combining Will and Imagination is how all the “somethings” are created and how they are shaped and manipulated. As a thing is being created, it does become better and stronger over time. This is the growth stage of all creations. Consciousness is sharply focused during this phase because it is interested. It is learning and experiencing novelty.

The creation will peak at the point of maximum interest. After that, with more and more processes being relegated to autopilot programming, familiarity breeds at least apathy if not contempt and the creation begins to lose it’s fascination.

What we see as being the material world is held together by God’s Will and Imagination.

You are God. Your life is your creation. You can wipe the slate clean anytime you wish. Lose your will to live and your life (meaning the avatar) will end. It may happen suddenly, as in the case of letting it be killed or it may simply drift away into the dissolution of old age and senescence. Then, with your attention removed entirely, the creat-ure will turn to dust and be gone.

Grandma didn’t lose her mind to dementia. She just got tired of her creation. Tired of missing those who’ve gone before. Tired of the pains and illnesses she’s allowed herself to experience. Her True Self is off working on a new reality. Creating another Something as only the indestructible Conscious No-Thing can do.

The Death and the Resurrection

I write this in the midst of the long expected “next big infectious pandemic” that seems to have caught humanity by surprise (again).

This COVID-19 is interesting in it’s own right but even more fascinating is the reaction to it that we are witnessing world-wide. What was originally a medical problem has been transformed by the human animal into a social problem; an economic problem; an educational problem; a logistical problem and most far-reaching perhaps, a political problem.

A lot of people are running scared. Or hiding scared at least. The Reaper is in the barnyard and the livestock are losing their shit.

That is the actual problem. The fear.

I remember what it was like to fear death. It didn’t seem like fear most of the time because I believed in a story about Jesus and forgiveness that, for we lucky few Fundamentalist Christians meant that I was going to go to heaven after I died. I also believed that the vast majority of humanity was destined to burn in hell. This did not seem the least bit crazy to me. My beliefs stood as a shield between me and my fear. A shield that I could easily have held in place for a life-time. Right up to that final moment when my snug cocoon of beliefs and illusions was ripped away leaving me suddenly naked to face my fear alone and unprepared.

Like all fears, the fear of death is actually the fear of the unknown.

Can the nature of our demise be known while we are yet alive? Seems counter-intuitive doesn’t it? How can we possibly understand that which seems to be hidden behind an impenetrable veil?

By understanding the nature of who we really are, we can comprehend the mystery of what remains when the body is gone. When the brain is gone; when the memories are gone; when the illusions are gone.

When all that remains is You.

Once you see through this, once you realize that you don’t exist as some separate “thing” that is uniquely “alive”, the fear of death becomes laughable. It becomes something akin to being afraid of the end of a play.

All stories must come to an end. How else could new stories begin?

The day will come when an Enlightened humanity will be able to face death as the joyous adventure it is instead of as the final fate so many of us currently dread.

(Written Easter morning, 2020)


“You can’t judge a book by it’s cover.”

Bullshit. The cover is very specifically designed to communicate to the reader what to expect to see upon the pages within. The title; the author; the blurb on the front cover. The description and the testimonials on the back. The illustrations and even the overall color scheme are all carefully chosen to tell you as much as possible about what lies within.

There is no better way to judge an unread book than by looking at it’s cover.

That goes the same for people. Beautiful people are beautiful inside in the same way that ugly people are ugly inside.

I imagine some of my readers are losing their shit over that last statement but please read on and allow me to explain.

Certainly one cannot learn much about another with but a cursory glance. But any person’s true character is always on display presuming the beholder is capable of truly assessing it. Whether through thoughtful observance or simple intuition, our “physical” form is our true “spiritual” form.

It has been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul and that is literally true.

That soul exists outside of time. With practice and insight, one can learn to simultaneously see what a person was like when they were young as well as what they will be like when they are old.

A human being when viewed from the fifth dimension looks like a serpent due this fourth dimensional aspect.

The so-called “spirit world” is not some nebulous, airy-fairy place where the “ancestors” live after they died (Like that any makes sense!) and where we will all will go to live after we die.

Wake-up sleepwalkers! Heaven and hell are right here, right now. It is you that creates your reality. You are your ancestors. This is the spirit world. And it is every bit as beautiful or as ugly as you are.

You are what you are.

And your true nature is written on your face for all to see.

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