Tag: Questing Page 3 of 4


Emotionalistic, anti-socialistic
followers of the Bind.
loving worry,
trapped in the web that is Mind.

Incarceration, fascination
with finely balanced shocks.
Hard to see
in light of Me,
the Heart of Paradox.

Broken wheels have made us feel
bereft and all alone.
Several years
and countless tears
measure how we’ve grown.

All is paced and each is graced,
perfection is the rule.
What we see
is what we need
and everything is cool.

From self-attacks we must relax
and seek out what we love.
Simple birth
for what it’s worth,
here’s our heart-felt Dove.

Accept what is and that’s show-biz.
Relativity, that’s the deal.
I salute you my friend,
in this world without end,
where all the Illusions are Real.


Is everything we experience predetermined?  Or do we have free-will?

I would have to say, “Yes”. But that’s just me. Or is it?

Sorry. I love to play with words and philosophy is just that for the most part. The manipulation of symbols, the juggling of labels. As we ascend toward higher concepts, words start to lose their effectiveness. It becomes harder to communicate about such things. Why do you think that is?

I say, “Red”. You know what I mean. I say, “Coffee”. You know what I mean. I say, “Cup”. You know what I mean. This is because you have experienced these things. I can even say, “Red coffee cup” and you will be able to blend these ideas in your mind even if you have never seen a red coffee cup.

What are colors? They are the gradients within the very thin segment of the electromagnetic spectrum that we can sense directly.

“Richard Of York Gained Battles in Vain.”

That’s the mnemonic I was taught as a child in order to help me remember the basic colors in order of their frequency from low to high. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Violet. This thin slice of the spectrum is all we can see. By various indirect ways however, we can measure some of the frequencies that lie below (infrared) and above (ultraviolet) this.

Frequency. Vibration. A state of energy.

Okay, let me ask you a question. Have you ever seen a gamma coffee cup? Can you imagine one? Probably not very well. Why is this? Not because they don’t exist, but because you have never seen one. You cannot fully comprehend a concept that you have never experienced. This is why when Enlightened individuals speak among themselves, they have no problem understanding each other. They can also identify their brethren within a few, short sentences. To the unenlightened however, they will seem to be talking gibberish.

“My responses are limited. You must ask the right questions.”

Sound familiar? It is a quote from the character Dr. Alfred Lanning in the movie, “I, Robot” (2004). It illustrates the nature of trying to learn from a spiritual teacher. You may not get very far that way. Plus you place yourself in an inferior position to someone who may get off on just screwing with you.

You don’t need a guru. All questions are self-answering if you can define what you mean by each element of that question. You might ask yourself, “What color is that cat?” . You know what a color is. You know what a cat is. The answer is self-evident; the cat is black.

The neophyte philosopher might ask something like this: “For what purpose did God put me here?” What answer immediately springs forth?


Nothing of course. You must first know what you mean by “purpose”. By “here”. By “God”. And most importantly, by “me”. Once you know what these things are, the question will answer itself. (Alternatively, you may realize that the original question didn’t make any sense.)

So, lets go back to the question at the top of this post. Is your life predetermined?  Or do you have free-will?

To crack this particular nut, the prerequisite questions must be addressed first. You must define your terms…

See? Once you do that, the answer becomes obvious!


“Ufology is just another name for demonology,” concluded John Keel, author of The Mothman Prophecies. His life-long quest to figure out what’s really going on “behind the curtain” eventually left him exasperated and confused. It seemed that every time he thought he was getting close to the “truth”, something totally bizarre would come out of left field to scramble his latest theory. His approach was always scientific. His research admirable considering the limits of a pre-internet world. Yet after years of trying to put two and two together, he never managed to make them equal four. Not only did the truth elude him, it seemed to mock him from every side.

This is something that modern paranormal investigators have dubbed, “The Trickster Effect”. This description implies the presence of some Intelligence behind the scenes. One that seems to delight in misdirection and that will not hesitate to play the inquirer for the fool. This is not a phenomenon exclusive to ufology. Investigators of various types whether they be spiritual, scientific or something in between will also encounter a version of this. Just as you seem to be figuring something out, it morphs into something else.

How often do we read about the person who witnesses a UFO only to have a poltergeist begin tossing things around their house in the weeks to follow? What are we to make of the Skinwalker Ranch events? Was there a type of craziness that did not take place there? What about lights in the sky that begin to respond to a witnesses unspoken thoughts? Why do the camera batteries always fail just as the monster makes an appearance? Why does reality always seem to come unglued when we look at it too closely?

Who are the Strangers that hide out there at the edge of this little clearing in the forest that we call home? Are they Gods? Devils? Aliens? Simulation Programmers?

They seem to laugh at our hapless antics and lead us by the proverbial nose as we desperately try to solve the mystery of our own existence. Those of us who figure it out are immediately struck dumb. Then it’s our turn to laugh. Why? Because the joke is on us! Because at the “center” of “reality”, there is a “hitch” or a “snag” that is the “heart” of “paradox”. (That’s the dumb-struck part showing. The Truth is beyond the level of words. Anything that we say in attempting to describe It becomes immediately wrong. Becomes misdirection. Don’t look at my finger! Look at where I’m pointing.)

What makes a joke funny? The same thing. The unexpected absurdity. The jolt to the system that relieves the pressure created by attempting to comprehend the incomprehensible. The realization that what you took to be true is not. And spectacularly so.

The Long, Dark Night of the Soul gives way to the Golden Dawn and the understanding of what we’re really dealing with here.

You see, it’s you out there on the dark edges of reality. And it’s me. We are both the Dreamer and the Dream. And we are nothing if not playful.

So relax! That person you mistakenly think you are is just a passing whirlpool. Who you actually are is the water.

Fun Fact: Did you know that the Wikipedia entry for “Zen” runs well over 10,000 words?


Wide my eyes
with tender lies.
I seek the wild magic in your soul.
Feel it stir and slowly rise
then gently turn to gold.

I will spin a tale of a Stone that is not
as you show me your Heart.

(I see you are me.)

As we race with our face to the Sun,
abandon your soul,
shake off it’s hold!
Cowered in fear of the One
it becomes.

Lowered in death
and the Stranger is met
and haunted memory brings
the sight
of the Beast in the night
as it sings
seeks the Light.

Closely drawing…

Almost now…

Dawning ever now…


“The Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel.”

Are you familiar with the meaning and history of this phrase?  I first came across it in Mather’s Golden Dawn.  It is also of course, the raison d’ete for the Book of Abramelin.

So what are we really talking about here? A magician summoning a biblical angel and grilling it for information? As with most anything, the answer is “yes” and “no”.

The Bible is a collection of books that made perfect sense to the the people of ancient milieux who penned them in now largely dead languages. Murky stuff for we who can only understand them “through a glass darkly”. Reading about and even performing the Abramelin Operation will probably lead you into confusion and your friends and family into consternation. Embark on that little project and they will desert you long before the six months are over. Then you will only have yourself to talk to…

And that would be… success!

If you want to talk to God, you may address Him through a conduit. Via one of his holy messengers. An angel, in other words. You and Me and Interface makes three! Christian readers might experience a (small “r”) revelation here. The Holy Spirit (also called the “Angel of the Lord”) is added to the previous concept of The Father and The Son.

Unity, Duality, Trinity.

Allow for the idea that All is One. (You might have to take my word for it here.)

Ever notice your tendency to talk to yourself? It may even descend to the level of words, spoken out loud or just internally. Example: “Let’s see, what can I have for lunch?” (You peek into the cupboard.) “Ah! There’s a can of soup. I can have that with some crackers!”

Question + Answer = Conversation.

Crowley loved to call this “the hunchback and the soldier” in reference to the shapes of the question mark and the explanation point.


Before you have the Stone (or become “born again” as Jesus may have phrased it), your perspective is that of a child learning from a Parent.

Following Illumination, your perspective flips and your point of view becomes that of a parent teaching a Child. You have incorporated yourself and completed the Great Work. Congratulations, Janus!

Cerberus is mastered and the Way is open.

Don’t You Believe It!

What do you ultimately believe in?

Do you believe in God? Do you believe in science? Do you believe in democracy? Do you believe in evolution? Do you believe in life after death? Do you believe in reality? Do you believe in You? Do you believe in a lot of different things?

I believe I’m about to puke.

Believing is crippling yourself! It’s a made-up answer that you put in the place where knowledge should be. Don’t go around believing in things! You either know or you don’t know. Period. Belief is a clinging. Faith however is letting go. Faith rocks.

Enlightenment; Cosmic Consciousness; Awakening, Illumination; Samadhi; Born Again; The Holy Grail; The Pearl of Great Price; The Philosopher’s Stone.
These are some of the names given at different times and places to describe something that cannot be described plainly in words because it is a state of knowledge that is beyond the reach of words and symbols. It is not something that can be taught directly from one person to another. You must figure it out for yourself.

“You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.”

“Those who Know do not say. Those who say, do not Know.”

Despite the truth that lies behind the words above, I’m going to give it the old Invisible College try. None of what follows will ultimately make sense. That’s the point here. It is important that the reader understand that the Thing referred to above is paradox itself. This is the meaning behind the symbol of the pyramid topped by an eye. The edifice of Understanding is built upon logic. Each layer becomes smaller as our understanding becomes more refined.

Eventually we pull it all together to reach the very pinnacle and then suddenly, at the very peak of attainment…the bottom drops out and we find ourselves going back down. So we turn around and climb back up only to plunge over the top and then down again… Finally it dawns on us that logic has a limit. It can only take us so far…

This is the Knowledge symbolized by the open eye.

At that point, you Know with a capital “K” what you are and what the world around you is. The point here is that this all-important piece of knowledge can be reached through logic. By simply thinking it all through. Call it meditation or contemplation or whatever you want. That’s why I prefer the term “Philosopher’s Stone”. It can be attained by thinking about reality and just like in the old tales of alchemy, once you have it, you can change dross into purest gold. And the world around you into the Kingdom of Heaven…

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