“The Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel.”

Are you familiar with the meaning and history of this phrase?  I first came across it in Mather’s Golden Dawn.  It is also of course, the raison d’ete for the Book of Abramelin.

So what are we really talking about here? A magician summoning a biblical angel and grilling it for information? As with most anything, the answer is “yes” and “no”.

The Bible is a collection of books that made perfect sense to the the people of ancient milieux who penned them in now largely dead languages. Murky stuff for we who can only understand them “through a glass darkly”. Reading about and even performing the Abramelin Operation will probably lead you into confusion and your friends and family into consternation. Embark on that little project and they will desert you long before the six months are over. Then you will only have yourself to talk to…

And that would be… success!

If you want to talk to God, you may address Him through a conduit. Via one of his holy messengers. An angel, in other words. You and Me and Interface makes three! Christian readers might experience a (small “r”) revelation here. The Holy Spirit (also called the “Angel of the Lord”) is added to the previous concept of The Father and The Son.

Unity, Duality, Trinity.

Allow for the idea that All is One. (You might have to take my word for it here.)

Ever notice your tendency to talk to yourself? It may even descend to the level of words, spoken out loud or just internally. Example: “Let’s see, what can I have for lunch?” (You peek into the cupboard.) “Ah! There’s a can of soup. I can have that with some crackers!”

Question + Answer = Conversation.

Crowley loved to call this “the hunchback and the soldier” in reference to the shapes of the question mark and the explanation point.


Before you have the Stone (or become “born again” as Jesus may have phrased it), your perspective is that of a child learning from a Parent.

Following Illumination, your perspective flips and your point of view becomes that of a parent teaching a Child. You have incorporated yourself and completed the Great Work. Congratulations, Janus!

Cerberus is mastered and the Way is open.