“Master, last night in my travels I came across an evil spirit that has taken away all of my psychic powers. I am completely cut off from the spirit world. I’m helpless! Why has this happened?”

“The blockading spirit is you. You need to approach this one from the other side.

There is only one Thing and we are not separate from It.

Think, a God of Sock-Puppets. It does all the voices, thinks all the thoughts. The real you is this God. (Or higher-self or whatever you want to call It. Words are such poor tools.)  What we all have in common, what allows us to have these powers, is the Puppeteer, so to speak. Identify everything that is not you. (“Your” body, “your” soul, “your” mind, “your” self, “your” sanity, etc.)  Those things are the puppet. Take those away and all that is left is the eternal I AM. It’s not “your” anything. It’s just you. Simple consciousness which is the back-ground field of the universe.

Now you are the puppeteer.

(Turns around and walks directly into the wall. Falls backward onto the ground. Holds hand to head.) “Ouch! What just happened?”

“God only knows.” (Chuckles.)