When we dream, the dreams are real.

When we awaken, those dreams are not real anymore. They were just dreams.

When we experience this world, this world is real.

When we Awaken, this world is not real anymore. It was just a dream.

When we have a “lucid dream”, we rise to a consciousness above the dreamworld. We become free from the action/reaction autopilot (karma) and are able to control the world at will to shape it in any way that pleases us.

As below, so above.

Now, what happens if two people are sharing a particular dream when one of the pair becomes “lucid”? Suddenly one person can bend reality to his will. He can fly. He can become invisible. He can shape-change.

Will the other dreamer be able to see these things?


Not unless he is in a state close to waking up himself. And even if that is the case, he will only be able to glimpse shadows and experience fleeting, indescribable emotions. He might see ghosts or mysterious lights. He might have dreams within dreams. He will be aware that something is amiss but he will not be able to make sense if it.

He cannot see what is really going on because he is unable to interpret the symbols that his own mind creates to cover over the things he is not prepared to see directly.

Ironically of course, it is his own power to control (as in not change) the dream that blinds him to the wonders that are playing out all around him.

A man says to himself, “Whether or not Sasquatch exists is a great mystery.”

He then spends a fortune in time stalking the woods. He lays traps. He knocks trees. Sometimes he will catch a glimpse. Or a whiff. Takes a photo that never quite settles the question. Why is it that he never seems to find a conclusive answer?

Simple. Because he has made the condition that “whether or not Sasquatch exists is a great mystery”. He himself has made it so.