Have you ever been totally at peace and happy? The world was wonderful, the future looked bright and you felt secure yet excited to simply exist?

How about the opposite? Anger and pain was all you could see. The world was a cruel and desperate place filled with suffering and horror.

How you experience reality is a reflection of how you are inside. If you go about your day looking for reasons to love people and finding ways to be helpful, you will receive the same in kind. Walking around with a scowl and complaining about everything will yield you a world of antagonism and hatred.

This is a basic rule of ethics and as such “the golden rule” is a powerful way to reach out and change the reality you experience. However there are more internal changes you can make such as looking for beauty in unexpected places. You can consciously decide to emphasize the positive side of things and count your blessings by noticing and appreciating all the special people and personal triumphs in your life.

Okay, enough with the gratitude attitude platitudes. You have also no-doubt noticed the phenomena wherein something that is in your mind tends to appear in the “outside” world. Perhaps you question something and the answer comes into your life in an unexpected manner. This can range from the everyday synchronicities to the quite jarring alignments that occur during major life-changes. The willful application of this is the basis of what is called prayer, spell-casting and a lot of new-age bullshit I won’t go into. Respect it though.

It is instructive to experiment along these lines. With as much or as little ceremony as you like, try creating a thought-form specifically for the purpose of looking for similar or related things to appear either in your dreams or in the world around you. Keep notes if you can. Like your dreams, uncanny events go into the memory-shredder quickly. Also, look for evidence of intelligent humor in the results of these experiments.

As you would expect, this is a two-way street. Things that appear in your life will tend to make their way inside. Want to be filled with despair and sickness? That’s easy, just spend time wallowing in the “news”. Worry about all the things you are told to worry about. Soak up all the attending drug commercials while you’re there. Want to feel better? Ditch the news and go play. Meet some new people. Rediscover nature. Allow yourself to be loved.

Even being out of control is completely under our control.

When we realize that there is only one Thing, we will discern that changing one thing changes everything. When we realize that we are the one Thing, we will understand that changing everything changes nothing.