“Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there?”

This quote from the 2019 movie “Joker” is one of those lines that gets a laugh because it hits uncomfortably close to home doesn’t it? When a person descends into madness, they become blind to this fact and instead perceive the world around them as flying off the rails.

Our reality simply is what it is. Everything beyond that consists of imagination and embellishment. This is akin to artistry and can be the source of great satisfaction as well as great confusion. Simply put, we can choose how we view the world as well as the people around us.

We are storytellers telling our own stories. We can do this consciously or unconsciously. It’s far better to consciously create our lives but it can be instructive when we let the “auto-pilot” take over too. It is from the inevitable misunderstandings that we learn to do better the next time. These mistakes will appear in our reality as “wrongness”. Pain; suffering; rejection.

The Hebrew word “sin” is an archery reference that simply means “to miss”. It does not mean, “to offend God”. It does not mean, “to do evil”. It just means, “You missed!” The implication being that you can learn from the experience and perhaps do better next time.

Do you see a world filled with chaos and despair? Change it! You will always find what you seek so look for the goodness. Fill your heart with love and the World will reflect that back to you. As within, so without.

Is it just me, or is it getting more wonderful out there?