Imagine you are “God”. By that, I mean an entity of pure consciousness and eternal presence that consists of all there is. You exist in a state of indescribably blissful good humor and love. The great and infinite I AM that the Philosopher’s Stone will allow you to access whenever you like. That is because at the very core of your being is a tiny spark of that same I AM. When you learn to retreat back into this “default” position at will, you need never suffer from anything again. Ever.

You will also find, after the novelty passes (and it will), that this state of profound bliss eventually becomes profoundly boring. (Only within Time does this happen but that’s another subject for another, well…) Seriously though, God creates the universes with It’s Mind for the purpose of amusement. The I Am that is at the core of your being is the Puppeteer and that human thing that you believe yourself to be is the puppet. And all of what we call “reality” is a vast, grand and endlessly entertaining Show.

So, you ask, how does that work? Well, at this point I would recommend you read up on quantum physics. (Yes, I know. But I never said this was going to be easy.) My point is to get you to see that science logically leads us to the idea that reality ultimately consists of a great “quantum field” from which everything seems to materialize out of and dematerialize back into. Established science finds this puzzling and calls this phenomenon spontaneous and seemingly meaningless. But current science is based on the assumption that there is no God. You may find this difficult to swallow until you actually see it for yourself but try this as a hypothesis for now: The quantum field is not only conscious, but it is infinitely loving and wise. And it has a keen sense of humor.

Now that would explain some things, wouldn’t it?

Okay, so this infinite, conscious being creates everything continually using the stuff of It’s all-pervasive Mind. In a way, we are being imagined by It. (I use the term “It” to avoid the words “Him” or “Her” because at this level, gender is meaningless. I do not mean to make It seem impersonal. In point of fact, It is as personal as can be. That’s because It is you and you are It!) As am I.

To put it in simple terms, God is telling Itself stories in the same way that we ourselves do when we dream. Part of us is creating an environment and circumstances that another part of us is experiencing.

Okay, enough of the cosmic big-picture stuff for the moment. Let’s zoom in on a particular piece of God’s consciousness as it breaks off into a separate, discreet unit that I liken to a puppet that It wants to experience reality through.

Let’s call this puppet “You”.

Remember what it was like when you were first born? You probably don’t but don’t worry; we can get back there simply by subtracting everything you’ve learned since that moment. Okay, maybe it won’t be so simple. But it can be done.

Let’s imagine that the traumatic separation from your mother has just taken place. The sudden waves of light and sound that washed you up onto the beach of human existence are now receding. You’re in shock. You’re probably crying. But you survived and believe it or not, you will actually get used to this world pretty quickly. For now though, you succumb to the physical and emotional exhaustion of the big event and soon drift off to sleep…

A little time passes and you wake up in this world for the very first time.

That is the moment I want you to try to capture in your imagination. Aside from some extremely muffled environmental sounds, you have no memories of anything in this new world. You have no knowledge. For what is knowledge but the practical application of memory? You have no thoughts because you have no words. You are pure Being. You simply Are. The world around you simply Is.

Congratulations! You have achieved the pure and blissful perfection of innocence symbolized by the Garden of Eden. Enjoy it while you can because very shortly you are going to partake of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and get your sorry ass kicked right out of paradise.

The point I’m trying to make here is that the knowledge symbolized by the Philosopher’s Stone is already there inside you. You were born Illuminated but you’ve forgotten because you wandered naively into the blinding blizzard of thoughts and emotions and ideas that we call the mind. And the farther you get from the state of original innocence, the more insane both you and the world will seem to become.

Let’s get back to the image of you, the freshly minted baby laying there in your crib or whatever. You don’t know any words of course. You don’t even know that there are words. It can be a challenge to imagine what that was like. Can we think without words? That depends on what you’re definition of “thinking” is. Our first experience with words, with language, comes in later years when others will teach you a sound that corresponds to some discrete piece of reality. Later, they will draw you a symbol that corresponds to that sound so you will be able to read them and write them down. Words. Labels. But before there was “Mommy” and “bottle” and “poopy”, you and the world around you were simply one undifferentiated Thing. You were the Experience! You were capable of thought at the time of course. Pure thought that exists beyond the language you would later be taught. “I feel a need. – Almost a pain. – It is hunger. – What do I do? – Here she comes. – With the bottle! – Here I am! – Thank you. – I love you Mommy.”

You experienced all that without knowing a single word. Think about that. See if you can still think about that without resorting to words. This is important because to understand the ideas put forth on this website, you will need to be able to go beyond mere words and return to that level of pure thought. This may sound difficult but it really isn’t. You do it all the time. It wasn’t until the advent of words that we began to tear the world apart into separate items by giving them each a label. Then, due to sheer laziness, we began to substitute the labels for the real things.

And that’s when the problems arose…