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Down and OUT

Suicide is the most thoughtless and selfish thing you can do. You hang your friends and family to swing upon hooks of grief and remorse. Succumbing to your own weakness in hopes of release (or at least erasure), you condemn those who love you to life-long sorrow and self-recrimination. What villainy!

Suicide is the bravest and most selfless thing you can do. To understand how you have failed everyone around you and more importantly, how they have failed you. To make the courageous, clear-eyed decision to relieve everyone’s pain by incisively removing the problem at it’s source. By sacrificing your own life, you leave the world a better place. What altruism!

Which of the above statements is true?

Both and neither, right? This is a subjective thing. Your outlook can change depending on your point of view. A point of view that can be altered by your history, your emotions and your beliefs.

What do these two statements have in common?

Depression. Happy people tend not to think about offing themselves. They might even prefer to live!

Have you ever been really depressed about you life? Probably. Who hasn’t? According to the secrets of NIMH, it’s considered perfectly normal. For fourteen days. If it lasts for more than two weeks though, you now have Clinical Depressive Disorder. Good news! You can be treated. You can get someone who doesn’t know you to listen to your problems (for a fee). You can also get chemical mood adjusters that may or may not make things better or worse.

You can also get one more thing. A descriptive label to help you and those around you understand who you really are:

One of my very best friends quit smoking about thirty years ago. He had a promising career, a lovely wife and a great attitude toward life. Highly intelligent. He found that not having cigarettes left him feeling a bit anxious. So he went to see a medical doctor who in turn, referred him to a psychiatrist.

Diagnosis, treatment, complications. Repeat.

For thirty years now.

He lives on the dole in public housing. Wife bailed long ago. He cannot drive. He takes fistfuls of pills every day. Electroshock therapy. Experimental therapies. Panic attacks. Delusions. Despair. Several suicide attempts. A complete wreck.

But hey, at least he doesn’t smoke.

I have been “clinically depressed” also. It was a struggle. An experience I am now grateful to have had. I never contemplated suicide because of my understanding of what “death” actually is, but I felt sorry for myself to the point of sitting in a chair for days at a time. Just staring at nothing.

I got over it. I figured things out and climbed out of that hole. Now I cannot get trapped like that again because I see where I went wrong and corrected my mistaken ideas. I regained my balance and got back on the road. Valuable experience.

My point here is that depression is a spiritual problem that requires a spiritual solution. Are you disappointed because you screwed some stuff up? Are you telling yourself that you’re useless? Has life become painful and meaningless? Are you yearning for… not this?

Think! Why is this happening? Who is involved when you “tell yourself” something? What do you want? Why? Does there need to be a reason why? Where do your thoughts come from? Why do you believe them? Do you wish you were dead? Do you even know what death is? (Helpful Hint: It’s not an escape. Your problems will follow you because they are you.)

There is a mental state that has been called “The Dark Night of the Soul”. It describes the complete collapse of all of your ideas about who you are. About what the world is. The despairing immolation of your beautiful phoenix-self. It is also a rare and precious opportunity. It is not physical death that you seek! It’s the realization of who you aren’t. Hang tight. Diligently question everything.

Keep searching through the ashes and you may find a little Something…

CYA Disclaimer: I do not advocate not seeking help from the medical establishment if you deem yourself to be in dire straits and in need of assistance. Priority must go to stabilizing the situation. You can always pick up the trail later.

Vox Populi, Vox Dei

Are you familiar with the concept of the “Goldilocks Universe”? The observation by Science that there exists in Nature an overwhelming number of variables that must meet very precise values in order for life to be possible?

Is this the elusive Proof of God that said deity apparently goes through so much trouble to conceal? Or is it just a trick of perception similar to desert mirages or matter becoming conscious?

Just imagine the staggering number of coincidences and alignments that have (and are) occurring just to produce you. Right now. Right here.

Does the very thought of this make you feel unbelievably special?

Or maybe just a little suspicious?

The “Goldilocks” or Finely-Tuned Universe observation is a compilation of all the minutely perfect arrangements of elements and forces that exist to make life possible. The slightest change in parameters such as the strength of gravity or in the odd, asymmetric relationship between matter and anti-matter would result in a sterile or unsustainable universe.

So how could this be? Why would we exist in a universe that is perfectly suited to us? Pop-science is currently having fun with the idea that perhaps we are programmed characters  living in some Great Computer Simulation. That idea, like that of Panspermia giving rise to life on Earth is a red herring that begs the question by merely pushing it out another layer.

Might the difficulty here be that the original premise is wrong? Why should we assume that Something Out There is the cause of us? Is there any evidence that we might be the cause of It?

Speaking as a person who works daily with the mentally ill, I can vouch for the fact that what some of us accept as reality can bear very little resemblance to what others experience. We can argue until we are blue in the face (and I have) about who’s reality is more real. In the end of course, the problem originates in our inadequate ability to communicate and the prevailing assumption that we must live in only one world.

At this level, on this world, seven-billion or so humans are defining our reality based on what we can agree upon. Have you noticed that pretty much anything we imagine in science-fiction eventually becomes real? The limits fall away once we agree that they can. The barriers only exist when we say they do.

There are others who have not elected to join us in this project and so have no reason to limit themselves to our current rules and regulations. Our occasional encounters with them leave us frightened and mystified. Aliens? Spirits? Angels?

None-of-the-above. They aren’t playing this particular game by our particular rules. My advice is not to communicate with them. They will tend to mess with your head. Not because they’re evil. Simply because it’s funny.

This is after all, just a game.

Triple Crown Device #3

Triple Crown Device #2

Triple Crown Device #1


After taking more than one excursion into the Undiscovered Country, I developed an interest in what other people may have encountered there.

Several years later, I discovered the website of the Near Death Experience Research Foundation. It features an enormous database of near-death experiences that have been submitted by users world-wide. At that time, there were approximately 3000 entries. Over a number of months, I read them all. The reports ranged from profound to just plain crazy. Part of the problem was the result of semi-literate people experiencing things above the symbolic level who then attempted to convey them using verbal descriptions. (One fellow found himself on the bridge of the star-ship Enterprise and Captain Kirk was Jesus! Sounds completely silly on the surface but it is interesting to note that the word “enterprise” comes to us from the French “entreprendre” which means “undertake”. And a “kirk” of course, is a church…)

Below is my distillation of that data into the most common experiences that were encountered time after time as described by the most sincere and level-headed experiencers.

  • The experience is “more real” than this world.
  • Extreme relief and happiness to be “Home” again.
  • Total assurance that the loved ones left behind will be okay.
  • A light so brilliant that it should be blinding but is not.
  • The air is notably “warmer” although not uncomfortably so.
  • A tunnel, door or bridge to mark transition the into next world.
  • Full life review.
  • They judge themselves.
  • Meeting loved ones who have died.
  • Surrounded by unconditional love.
  • All communication is telepathic.
  • Seeing colors that one has never seen before.
  • Hearing music that is more beautiful than any previously experienced.
  • 360° vision/awareness.
  • Instantaneous travel.
  • Complete understanding of all mysteries.
  • Anger at finding themselves returned to this world.
  • Loss of all fear of death.
  • Increased empathy for others.
  • New or enhanced psychic abilities.

Now see if you can rise above these written descriptions. To comprehend the non-verbal concepts that lie not just above the words but above the very symbols that the words imply.

If you cannot, I recommend you keep trying. It’s well worth the effort.

Don’t be too disheartened if you cannot grasp it however.

You’ll experience it for yourself soon enough…

I am sure that many of you have encountered the “scientific” explanation that the near-death experience is simply an illusion created by the expiring mind to comfort us as we die. That the body has evolved to do this. That a few people somewhere along the line mutated to include this trait and then passed it along to their offspring after they died.

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