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At the macro-scale, we have a Consciousness that uses it’s own “imagination” to create the universe. Presumably because the existence of consciousness brings about a requirement that there be something to be conscious of.

So what can this mean for those of us on the micro-scale? How do we small bits of God create our own small bits of the universe?

The same way. We build out upon the foundation of our existence. We know We Are. We know It Is. Well, what shall we make of this? What shall we think about it? What shall we imagine the world to be? What will be our story?

We are all story-telling our individual lives but we are surrounded by other small bits of God who are story-telling their own lives and some of them are including us in their stories just as we include some of them in our stories.

So who controls our reality? God does of course. (Hint: It’s you.) Therefore you have no free-will. (Hint: Complete free-will.)

Please remember that the Center is paradoxical in nature.

You life is simultaneously under your control and out of your control. In other words, you can sail your ship to the best of your abilities but the ocean around you belongs to God.

“Consensus reality” or the world we all (more or less) agree upon is generally assumed to be outside of us. When we believe that this reality is different from what the majority of the others believe, we become delusional in their eyes. So to believe that we have any extraordinary control (magic and prayer) makes us crazy in the eyes of academically approved science.

But what if the nature of reality is not an outside world that is separate from us but rather an inside world that is a part of us? A Dream we are free to dream in any way we wish? We just mustn’t be disappointed that others will prefer different dreams that may not coincide with ours. Miracles can not happen in the lives of those who do not believe in miracles.

Belief is the catalyst that allows our imagination to shape the “none-self” part of us. On three different occasions Jesus of Nazareth is recorded to have told people who had just been miraculously healed that, “Your faith has healed you.” In other words, Jesus didn’t heal them.

The relationship between the words “faith” and “belief” can be difficult to grasp. This is especially true when translating into English from the Greek version of the original memory of an Aramaic quote.

See if you can rise above the level of labels and words to experience what these words mean to satisfy yourself that they actually mean the same thing. The will and the confidence that a thing is.

“Your belief has healed you.” is no different than “Your belief has made you rich.” or “Your belief has brought you happiness”.

What and how much you believe in a thing is the key to all power. You can have it blend into consensus reality or depart from it quite radically. It is your belief to have and your belief to change. Tell yourself that you love everyone and everything. Tell yourself that you truly care about the world and can see beauty and truth everywhere you look. Your faith has saved you.

Conversely, start telling yourself what a loser you are and watch yourself become one. Tell yourself you don’t deserve to live enough times and you eventually won’t. Tell yourself that your body is becoming ill. Tell yourself that it’s just getting worse. Tell your self that you are dying. Your faith has destroyed you.

Your world and your reality are exactly as you wish (or fear) them to be. Your control is perfect and masterful. It is your attention and belief that brings it about. It is your imagination that shapes it.

(Believe it or not.)

Three Ears

“As a scientist, I can tell you that love is just a trick of evolution to make us procreate, care for our progeny and avoid unnecessary violence. It’s nothing special. Recognizing and accepting this basic truth makes me a clear thinker. I understand reality better than you do because I approach it with simple logic. You are a foolish dreamer seduced by perception filtered through chemical reactions in a complex biological system. I know the truth of this matter better than you do.”

“As a holy-man, I can tell you that love is the very spirit of of God. It is the center of existence. The ineffable pinnacle of consciousness and the ultimate reason for all there is. To try to couch this intoxicating experience in a frame of logic simply proves that you have no experience with spiritual reality. You miss the whole point by even trying to understand it. You are a soulless robot seduced by a desire to explain the unexplainable. I know the truth of this matter better than you do.”

As a magician, I can tell you whatever you will accept to be true. What do you wish love to be? The imaginary gentlemen whose opinions were written above have created very different worlds in which to live. Who is right? Or should we ask, “Who is more right”? There is only a disagreement here because we are asking the wrong question. Or perhaps asking the right question wrongly. It is entirely up to us what love is. We are the Gods of our own Creations. You know the truth of this matter better than I do.

The title of this post is also a play on words in honor of today being the third birthday of this Hearts of Paradox ‘blog. Woo-hoo!

The Eyes to See

When researchers test to find if there is evidence for extrasensory perception among humans or animals, they try to approach their experiments with as neutral an attitude as possible. This is not really achievable. Somewhere in their minds is a small allowance that psychic powers might be real. Otherwise, they would not be interested in the subject enough to even look into it.

They go into the subject with a small amount of belief that these powers could be there. And what do they discover?

An equally small amount of evidence that ESP is real.

In academia, it will never do to enter a scientific study with strong beliefs a priori. Your colleagues would laugh you out of your laboratory. Science after all is a very strict religion… er… sorry, I meant “belief-system”.

So what happens when a person who completely believes in their ability to read minds or remote view experiments along these lines? They will find that they have these powers. They will also soon learn to keep this information to themselves (for the most part) because of the ridicule they will face at the hands of society at large.

Disbelievers are still believers. They just believe in something else. Large numbers of people who believe in the same thing will share a common reality. They will also be unable to perceive the countless different realities unfolding all around them.

We each create the reality we believe we are in. The problems arise when we mistakenly believe that there is only one true reality. When we limit ourselves to a single inflexible set of rules to define what is real, we trap ourselves in a box that becomes a prison of our own making.

We can escape this. In my own case, I always had a burning need to know the “Truth”. As a fundamentalist Christian at the time, this presented a problem since I had been told (and believed) to never question God. I thought I might be risking my soul. Eventually my desire to know the true nature of reality outweighed my desire for self-preservation. I let go of everything I “believed” and started from scratch.

“Who am I?” I asked myself.

“Whose asking?” I replied.

Then it was off to the races! Using simple logic and concentration, I discovered who I was and what the world was. That could not have happened if I didn’t go into it without expectations. Without beliefs.

Anyone who wants to possess the Stone of the philosopher’s must first possess the innocent heart of a little child. Only then can you actually become “born again”.

” And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.”

Meet Your Maker

The spiritual student looking for Enlightenment and the weekend thrill-seeker hunting for Bigfoot have two things in common. They are both persuaded that their quarry exists and they both believe they can attain it.

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened.”

The above quote is attributed to Jesus of Nazareth. It is important to remember that he was not a Christian. He just knew some things about reality.

About the way that you create it for yourself. About how dreams come true if you just wish hard enough. Pray hard enough.

Fear hard enough.

Part of you, way down inside is God. You have as few or as many powers as you wish. Most people like to believe they are powerless. That is a very good thing. It is safe. It absolves.

Not much fun though.

Heaven’s (Revolving) Door

In the Christian Bible, Jesus is recorded to have said:

“The Kingdom of God is ‘within’ (or ‘among’ or ‘amidst’ depending on the translation) – you.”

So this guy who is roundly regarded to be an expert on the subject, did not say that the Kingdom was elsewhere. He said it was right here. Right now.

How could this be so? We all know that this world sucks. Life is one damn obstacle after another. A planet swarming with predatory governments and corporations who victimize the poor and the helpless with impunity. The world is crazy. The world is sick. We might as well be living in hell.

At least, that’s what some folks think.

I myself look around and see only the Kingdom of God. We are all so beautiful and noble (and funny). Each of us is a star in our own fascinating little play. Such freedom and fun! Billions upon billions of interesting and amusing dramas everywhere you look. And the beauty all around! I could watch the plumes of smoke belching from a factory smoke-stack all day. I love to see the amazing play of colors that sunlight creates on an oil-spill. Every bit of understanding is a sparkling treasure. All adversity is a chance to learn more about ourselves; our fellows. There is no evil. Only ignorance. It’s all so perfect!

If you can’t refrain from simply Being, if you feel you must interact with the world, then look at it all through the eyes of love, understanding and forgiveness. Remind yourself to do this again and again until it becomes automatic.

What you see is what you are.

Heaven cannot be entered until it is first constructed.

Karma Chameleons

Let’s pretend that you and I are standing on a street-corner having a congenial conversation. Suddenly and unexpectedly, I sucker-punch you right in the face.

How would you react? Would you just keep talking as if nothing had happened? Would you stop talking and try to analyze the situation? Or might you simply ask me why in the world had I done that?

If you say “yes” to any of those things, you are an exceptional human being. Perhaps a saint or an android or something.

Most people would hit me right back immediately without even thinking about it. This action would manifest before the will to do so could materialize. You would not decide to hit me and then do so. It would just happen all of a piece.

Okay, let’s jump ahead to our court date. After carefully listening to the testimonies of ourselves and witnesses, the Judge will pronounced me guilty of assault and some form punishment would be applied. You on the other hand, would not be found guilty of hitting me. Fair enough, right?

Society recognizes that you are innocent of striking me. Indeed, any injury I sustain from your returning blow would be considered “just deserts” and no sympathy would be directed my way.

As far as the laws of man and nature are concerned – I punched myself.

Karma in it’s purest form. Also known as The Golden Rule and as Newton’s Third Law. Do a Google search on the word “Justice”. Now hit the “Images” button. What do you see? Balance scales.

It all evens out in the end; What comes around, goes around; As you sow, so shall you reap. There is not a culture or caste that does not recognize this powerful spiritual law.

Not only does this principle operate automatically at all levels below the Monad, it also operates invisibly. In our opening scenario, I co-opted your will. I controlled your fist every bit as much as I controlled my own. And you were oblivious to it.

Be vigilant! The reactor is not always the actor.

I am not recommending a course of action here. I am merely alerting you to the fact that you have strings that can be pulled by others without you ever suspecting a thing. You will reckon those thoughts or actions to be your own and so you will be left alone to face Justitia. With her scales. And with her blindfold. And with her sword.

While the secret puppeteer dances away, laughing.

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