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The Four-letter WORD

I am sitting before this keyboard and trying to formulate a way to convey to the reader just how useless words are. But I have to use words to do it.


Recently I posted a short autobiographical essay (Suicide Kings) on an internet forum that is host to a wide range of intellects. There were a great number of thoughtful people who responded in various ways that I much enjoyed reading. There were also a few of the usual trolls. What I learned from this exercise is that critical reactions generally come from those who do not read carefully. By holding a pre-existing belief in their own superiority, they hinder their own ability to learn. (Fortunately I am far too smart to ever have this problem myself! <eye-roll>)


That is the unpronounceable name of G-D.

By saying that this is unsayable is the point.

Only an idiot will try to use words to describe… well, you Know.

Unless you don’t.

But you actually do.

It may take you years of trying to meditate before you realize that you’ve been doing it perfectly all along. Years of searching for heaven before you realize that you’ve always been there.

Stop talking. Stop thinking and just look the fuck around.

It all just Is.

You just Are.


Visiting Relatives

In a previous post, I described my experience of realizing that everything is relative. Not only did this make sense to me, it also allowed me to make sense of everything else. Seeing that no part of reality was set apart from the rest was a breakthrough for me. Like Ouspensky’s ashtray writ as large as the universe.

And at the center of this One Thing was I Am. Simple Consciousness. Not my individual, human-limited consciousness (although that is part of It) but the One unified Consciousness of Everything.

“Ehyeh asher ehyeh”, answered God when Moses asked for It’s name. “I Am that I Am.”

God sure says a lot of profound shit, doesn’t It?

So, the point here is that I had discovered Relativism before I even knew there was a word for it. I learned that word shortly afterward when I brought some of my ideas up in conversation with my dad.

I immediately learned that “relativism” is a word that Christians say with a sneer.  It is a trick of the Devil’s to make us indecisive and tepid in our outlook. To even entertain this idea is to become immoral. It is like building your house on sand instead of rock. There is Good and there is Evil. To question these things is to become lost in a swamp of illusion and lies.

I mean, think about it. Once you start to understand your enemy’s point of view, it becomes much more difficult to destroy him. We can’t become heroes if there are no evil-doers.

Understanding is for fools.

So needless to say, I understood his position.

But he has never been able to understand mine. The result has been a lot of suffering on his part. Despair for me, his foolish son who will be sent to hell and a pleading sort of anger directed at the god who will be consigning me there.

Fear of the Lord may be the beginning of wisdom, but it sure as hell isn’t it’s culmination.

Karma Chameleons

Let’s pretend that you and I are standing on a street-corner having a congenial conversation. Suddenly and unexpectedly, I sucker-punch you right in the face.

How would you react? Would you just keep talking as if nothing had happened? Would you stop talking and try to analyze the situation? Or might you simply ask me why in the world had I done that?

If you say “yes” to any of those things, you are an exceptional human being. Perhaps a saint or an android or something.

Most people would hit me right back immediately without even thinking about it. This action would manifest before the will to do so could materialize. You would not decide to hit me and then do so. It would just happen all of a piece.

Okay, let’s jump ahead to our court date. After carefully listening to the testimonies of ourselves and witnesses, the Judge will pronounced me guilty of assault and some form punishment would be applied. You on the other hand, would not be found guilty of hitting me. Fair enough, right?

Society recognizes that you are innocent of striking me. Indeed, any injury I sustain from your returning blow would be considered “just deserts” and no sympathy would be directed my way.

As far as the laws of man and nature are concerned – I punched myself.

Karma in it’s purest form. Also known as The Golden Rule and as Newton’s Third Law. Do a Google search on the word “Justice”. Now hit the “Images” button. What do you see? Balance scales.

It all evens out in the end; What comes around, goes around; As you sow, so shall you reap. There is not a culture or caste that does not recognize this powerful spiritual law.

Not only does this principle operate automatically at all levels below the Monad, it also operates invisibly. In our opening scenario, I co-opted your will. I controlled your fist every bit as much as I controlled my own. And you were oblivious to it.

Be vigilant! The reactor is not always the actor.

I am not recommending a course of action here. I am merely alerting you to the fact that you have strings that can be pulled by others without you ever suspecting a thing. You will reckon those thoughts or actions to be your own and so you will be left alone to face Justitia. With her scales. And with her blindfold. And with her sword.

While the secret puppeteer dances away, laughing.

Slick Willy

Would you say that you have free-will? By which I mean the sovereign right and ability to make decisions free from compulsion by outside sources.

Or would you say that you are a  robot? That free-will is an illusion and all of your choices are determined by your biology, your history and your mental programming.

Here’s a little experiment. Touch each of the fingers on your left hand to the thumb of that same hand in order from the pinky to the index finger. Do it now before reading any further.

Okay, did you follow my instructions or did you just keep reading? Either way, you made a decision and your reality went in a direction of your own choosing.


If you are a curious person who is open to learning and is willing to temporarily subordinate your own will to that of another in order to gain knowledge, you probably followed my instructions physically. On the other hand, if you are an independent-minded person who prefers to gloss over detail because you are confident in your ability to absorb a thing more holistically,  you probably kept on reading.

For simplicity’s sake, lets assume that you fit into one of these two profiles, okay?

Now, who made the decision that you would become that sort of person? Did you ever choose to develop those traits? Or is that just the way you are?

Two different people encounter an insect in their home. One picks it up and takes it outside. The other crushes it under their shoe. Neither of them spends any time thinking about what they do. They are like computers reacting to situations in a programmed manner. They will to not have the insect in their environment. They both take action to manifest that will. One of them has a compassionate nature who imagines that small creatures have some type of value. The other one values expedience and feels no empathy for the insect. It is an object to be eliminated.

Is either person exhibiting free-will?

Or are they merely following mental programming? If so, who programmed (taught) them to be this way? Who taught their teachers?

You selflessly do charitable works. Help everyone you can. Try to make the world a better place for all. Does it make you happy to do so? Yes?

Well, aren’t you just being selfish then? The actual goal is to make yourself feel happy. If you were truly compassionate, you would help everyone you could even to the point of great personal loss, pain and suffering. If suffering for God, King and Country makes you happy, then you will not feel like you are suffering at all. In fact, you will only do it because it is (secretly?) your desire. Thus, you are still being (impressively!) selfish.

Is there more virtue in the person who is unapologetically and honestly being selfish? LaVey-style “satanism” is built upon this very premise. Satanism? Scary stuff? Actually not. Most satanists are Judeo-Christian atheists. Mostly good people who can smell a rat but aren’t yet sure where it is.

Let’s imagine what the world would become if we each declared and vowed to only live for ourselves. To only do the things that make us feel happy and fulfilled. Would we all begin to steal each other’s stuff? Would we all kill the people who tried to take our stuff? Rape and pillage? Survival of the most evil and ruthless? Complete anarchy?

Would that really be the result of our collective Will?

Does that world sound like a place you would will to live in? Of course not. What do we truly will? What really makes us happy to the point that we would selfishly seek it out?

Well first of all, love. To care and be cared for by special people who are close to us. Warm beds. Good food. Decent beer. Protection from violent idiots. Help from others if we become sick or our house catches fire. Cool toys.

In other words, modern society.

That is where being totally selfish gets us.

So we do have free-will whether we want it or not.



An elderly gentleman plays at a game,
conjuring images, handing out names.
Pieces are made and limits set.
(How the players soon forget!)
He closes his Eye and the die is tossed.
Losers will win but the winnings are lost.
Life and Death take different sides.
Duality now resides.
To see infinity with a finite mind;
ignorance needed, he puts on the blind…

So it seems an endless round,
ego rules the boredom-bound.
Circling stifles compassionate lovers
but loving ourselves admits there are others.
Gulping air leaves greater thirst
and swelling hearts must surely burst.

Eyes that are sleepy are prone to illusion.
Minds that are thinking are host to confusion.
All seems lost, a phantom race;
filed away, an unsolved case.

Now these are all pieces, the great and the small.
All is in all therefore, all is in All.

Best Start

“You best start believing in ghost stories, Miss Turner… you’re in one!”

So says Captain Hector Barbossa in the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie. I have rarely enjoyed a Hollywood line more than this one. It’s creepy. It’s ironic. It’s humorous. But most of all, it’s true.

Once upon a time, (like you perhaps?) I believed myself to be a single individual of an advanced ape-like species living in a solid, somewhat clockwork universe. I say “clockwork” because this existence seemed regulated by chain-reactions and set in a framework called Time. I say “somewhat” because the whole thing was always a little fuzzy around the edges. Like I was being forced to concentrate on a single character in a play I had not written. I had a beginning that I could not remember and would face an ending that I could not predict. Sound and fury, signifying nothing and rounded with a sleep. (Sorry. Bard-o moment!)

Just about every religion and belief system in the world holds to the idea of some kind of afterlife. Heaven or hell; reincarnation; tunnels and white lights. Even some atheists express a hope that their “energy” might continue on in some different form.

Most people know they are going to die. Since very few of them know what will happen to them afterwards, they avoid thinking about it. There is fear. There is hope. But mostly, there is ignorance.

When I was a young man and newly Enlightened, I would drive my friends crazy with my detachment. More than once they feared me suicidal because I would so often give away my possessions. “Dude,” they would say, “you need to come down to earth and quit trying to see everything from God’s point of view!”

So I tried. I walked the common path. Son; student; worker; husband; father. Many adventures, few regrets. However, as Oliver Holmes once so rightly observed, “A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”

I am no different or better than any other single individual of this advanced ape-like species. I’ve merely climbed a little higher than most so my horizon goes a bit farther out. I can tell you what I see out there though. There is no death. There is no afterlife. There is no spirit world that follows this physical world. There is only the spirit world. An endless Dream where you call the shots (or don’t) according to your own will. What happens when you “die”? Whatever you want.

How scary is that?

So you best start believing in ghosts, Dear Reader… You are one!

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