Tag: Freedom Page 2 of 7

Chrysaline Dreams


Isn’t that the ultimate state? To act upon your desires. To exert your own will without responsibility. Without repercussions?


It’s right there for the taking. (Provided you have the strength conveyed by the Knowledge of your true nature.)

Can you provide your own security? If your Reality suddenly dissolved into chaos right this moment, how would you feel? How would you react? Will you still be okay when you lose your mind?

You won’t know until you try it.

If you are relying upon your mind to keep it together for you, there is a rather nasty experience waiting for you up ahead.

Your mind is a monster! It is not you and you are not it. This conglomeration of ancient, broken parts held together with the gum and rubber-bands of your scattered hopes and impotent wishes has you enthralled. Has you convinced that you could never survive without it.

This is the occult Dweller On The Threshold.

Can you destroy it? Or will it destroy you?

Which would be better?

“Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose…” – Foster & Kristofferson

NOTHING is invulnerable.

Morpheus Rex

The World is totally real and it is a complete illusion.

You are mortal and you are immortal.

These conclusions make perfect sense and they make no sense at all.

Enlightenment is the realization that everything is relative to and only has meaning when compared to something else. It also shows us our own inner nature as the nexus where Everything meets. (Not you, silly human. The Simple “I Amness” at the core of all consciousness that is the true You.)

The consciousness that is at the center of who you are is the exact same Consciousness that is at the Center of all there is. The difference is that you are experiencing Reality as filtered through a human brain.

All creatures are truly temples of God.

At your core you are only a Witness. This is very difficult to see through all the programming and auto-piloting “software” that is a human mind.  We get so caught up in our dramas, we forget who we are. Often great suffering or fear becomes the catalyst of our Awakening akin to the way a nightmare can jolt us from our little sleep.

When your body and brain die they will both fade away.

But you will still be there!

You will shake off the costume and become aware of your true nature as God.

Death is an illusion. You are already everywhere.

So where could you possibly go?

Heaven’s (Revolving) Door

In the Christian Bible, Jesus is recorded to have said:

“The Kingdom of God is ‘within’ (or ‘among’ or ‘amidst’ depending on the translation) – you.”

So this guy who is roundly regarded to be an expert on the subject, did not say that the Kingdom was elsewhere. He said it was right here. Right now.

How could this be so? We all know that this world sucks. Life is one damn obstacle after another. A planet swarming with predatory governments and corporations who victimize the poor and the helpless with impunity. The world is crazy. The world is sick. We might as well be living in hell.

At least, that’s what some folks think.

I myself look around and see only the Kingdom of God. We are all so beautiful and noble (and funny). Each of us is a star in our own fascinating little play. Such freedom and fun! Billions upon billions of interesting and amusing dramas everywhere you look. And the beauty all around! I could watch the plumes of smoke belching from a factory smoke-stack all day. I love to see the amazing play of colors that sunlight creates on an oil-spill. Every bit of understanding is a sparkling treasure. All adversity is a chance to learn more about ourselves; our fellows. There is no evil. Only ignorance. It’s all so perfect!

If you can’t refrain from simply Being, if you feel you must interact with the world, then look at it all through the eyes of love, understanding and forgiveness. Remind yourself to do this again and again until it becomes automatic.

What you see is what you are.

Heaven cannot be entered until it is first constructed.

The Outer Darkness

One of the biggest lies that Western scientific materialist atheism brings to the table is that we are somehow more conscious than everything else. That we are aware in a way that smaller, less sophisticated brains can never be.

“Other creatures are just self-replicating eating machines. They aren’t really conscious like we are. They can’t make plans. They don’t really love each other. It’s just instinct. They don’t have feelings. Not really. Not like us. They are primitive. Don’t anthropomorphize them! They are just animals.

And plants? They’re not even creatures. They have no sense of self whatsoever! They are just cells organized into machines that are programmed to process matter in ways that are analogous to what animals do. Technically that makes them alive but they don’t know that they are alive. They don’t care.

There are other things that we can say are life. Things that are too small to be in any way conscious but they are organized matter. Fungi. Bacteria. Viruses.

Everything else? Just dead matter and dead energy churning around in dead space. Quanta making up atoms making up molecules. Not alive. Not conscious.

Damn. We are special!”

We teach this to our children. Some of them believe it. They think about it. They go home, procure weaponry and return to the school. They try to eliminate the source of the pain they feel. The pain that is caused by the contemplation of  the empty pointlessness of it all.

Taught as truth: Originally there was nothing. Somehow it then exploded and that’s where all this matter and energy came from. Oh yeah, and a bunch of Laws. So the stuff tends to organize. None of this contained consciousness. Why not? Well there was no need for it, of course. Over time, entropy will return everything back to nothing again.

Fact: We are conscious. You may argue that the brain only creates the illusion of consciousness. If that is so, then who is experiencing that illusion? If you think that you are not really conscious, you might as well stop reading right here.

The current scientific theory is that matter somehow becomes more conscious as it acquires greater complexity. This sounds dumb. There’s a reason for that…

Because it’s dumb.

Consciousness is not a curious little phenomenon that only occurs in certain highly specialized monkey brains. Consciousness is the all-encompassing primary background-field of the universe. God; The Ancient of Days.

You and I and every other thing in this universe is this same God peering out through myriad different realities and experiencing Itself as Everything. You are a character in the Great Play. Your life is a blink of God’s eye that opens with your birth and closes with your passing. You are actually God peering out from that meat-puppet. When your puppet dies, you will discover this truth.

So rejoice! Your soul is the eternal Soul of All. You are everywhere and everything. All is conscious because all exists within God. This Consciousness is in all things equally but manifests in different ways. The “genius loci” are real as are the spirits of the land revered by so-called primitive religions. The very stones are your brothers and Earth is your mother more literally than you know.

False Dawn

People like to say they want freedom. Freedom from what?

Restrictions. The manacles of laws that prevent us from accomplishing our will. Natural laws. Human laws.

I am aware that there is or was a television show based around a serial killer who only preyed upon other serial killers. Since this killing could be seen as just, the audience could allow themselves to vicariously root for the “hero” as he dispensed his idea of justice upon the bad guys. They could also imagine what it would be like to do the killing themselves.

That’s okay though. Can’t hurt to just imagine something. Can it?

There is a dangerous state of consciousness that I have seen occasionally wherein a person attains Enlightenment in an incomplete manner (often through the use of psychoactive chemicals). They come to realize the absolute relativity of all things. They gain a mental freedom that few will ever know. They see that only the Absolute is real. Everything else is smoke and mirrors. Their problems; their lives. Other people’s lives. All illusions.

Then the drugs wear off.

They drop back down to earth, clutching their little piece of stolen god-fire. They retain the memory of what they have seen but they cannot incorporate this knowledge fully. Seeing that death is also an illusion, they lose all fear of it. Then they extrapolate this to see that when any of us dies, the illusion is broken and we all return to God. Return to being God.

So everything is absolutely okay. Nothing is truly evil. Not even suicide. Not even murder.

I call this the Manson Miscalculation.

They understand that love and fear are the same thing but they assume this means they can be interchangeable. In mastering their minds, they’ve lost their hearts.

One thing that held me back for a long time was the idea that accepting the truth that love was only relative was reprehensible to me. I wanted Love to be better than it’s opposite. But my mind demanded I yield to it’s inescapable logic.

Then came the Stone and I saw that I was quite literally out of my mind! Was I Spirit? Sure! Why not? That’s a nice, undefinable label. My logical mind had reached it’s utmost limit.

But I had not.

I Am Spirit. Love calls unto Spirit and needs no reason. Love is it’s own reward.

Evil is not forbidden. It’s just stupid.


Who are you when you are dreaming?

You are the one who is experiencing the dream. You are seeing the scenes, interacting with the characters and feeling the emotions. And at the time, you are believing these things are real.

You become like an actor in a play. One who has become so embedded in the role that you are no longer aware of who you really are.

Until you wake up.

Who else are you when you are dreaming?

You are the one who is creating the dream. Whipping up worlds utilizing images and characters, experiences and memories taken from your “real” life. And what a creative opportunity it is! A chance to play, a chance to teach. You are the story-teller and you don’t care what is real and what is not. You are making it up as you go along. You have no long-term plan or ultimate goal in mind.

You are pretending. Playing. Like a child.

Who are you when you are awake?

Who is creating your world when you are awake?

What would you like to be real?

Who is keeping that from happening?

Who are you now?

Who will you be when you Wake Up?

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