Tag: Fear Page 2 of 5

The Outer Darkness

One of the biggest lies that Western scientific materialist atheism brings to the table is that we are somehow more conscious than everything else. That we are aware in a way that smaller, less sophisticated brains can never be.

“Other creatures are just self-replicating eating machines. They aren’t really conscious like we are. They can’t make plans. They don’t really love each other. It’s just instinct. They don’t have feelings. Not really. Not like us. They are primitive. Don’t anthropomorphize them! They are just animals.

And plants? They’re not even creatures. They have no sense of self whatsoever! They are just cells organized into machines that are programmed to process matter in ways that are analogous to what animals do. Technically that makes them alive but they don’t know that they are alive. They don’t care.

There are other things that we can say are life. Things that are too small to be in any way conscious but they are organized matter. Fungi. Bacteria. Viruses.

Everything else? Just dead matter and dead energy churning around in dead space. Quanta making up atoms making up molecules. Not alive. Not conscious.

Damn. We are special!”

We teach this to our children. Some of them believe it. They think about it. They go home, procure weaponry and return to the school. They try to eliminate the source of the pain they feel. The pain that is caused by the contemplation of  the empty pointlessness of it all.

Taught as truth: Originally there was nothing. Somehow it then exploded and that’s where all this matter and energy came from. Oh yeah, and a bunch of Laws. So the stuff tends to organize. None of this contained consciousness. Why not? Well there was no need for it, of course. Over time, entropy will return everything back to nothing again.

Fact: We are conscious. You may argue that the brain only creates the illusion of consciousness. If that is so, then who is experiencing that illusion? If you think that you are not really conscious, you might as well stop reading right here.

The current scientific theory is that matter somehow becomes more conscious as it acquires greater complexity. This sounds dumb. There’s a reason for that…

Because it’s dumb.

Consciousness is not a curious little phenomenon that only occurs in certain highly specialized monkey brains. Consciousness is the all-encompassing primary background-field of the universe. God; The Ancient of Days.

You and I and every other thing in this universe is this same God peering out through myriad different realities and experiencing Itself as Everything. You are a character in the Great Play. Your life is a blink of God’s eye that opens with your birth and closes with your passing. You are actually God peering out from that meat-puppet. When your puppet dies, you will discover this truth.

So rejoice! Your soul is the eternal Soul of All. You are everywhere and everything. All is conscious because all exists within God. This Consciousness is in all things equally but manifests in different ways. The “genius loci” are real as are the spirits of the land revered by so-called primitive religions. The very stones are your brothers and Earth is your mother more literally than you know.

False Dawn

People like to say they want freedom. Freedom from what?

Restrictions. The manacles of laws that prevent us from accomplishing our will. Natural laws. Human laws.

I am aware that there is or was a television show based around a serial killer who only preyed upon other serial killers. Since this killing could be seen as just, the audience could allow themselves to vicariously root for the “hero” as he dispensed his idea of justice upon the bad guys. They could also imagine what it would be like to do the killing themselves.

That’s okay though. Can’t hurt to just imagine something. Can it?

There is a dangerous state of consciousness that I have seen occasionally wherein a person attains Enlightenment in an incomplete manner (often through the use of psychoactive chemicals). They come to realize the absolute relativity of all things. They gain a mental freedom that few will ever know. They see that only the Absolute is real. Everything else is smoke and mirrors. Their problems; their lives. Other people’s lives. All illusions.

Then the drugs wear off.

They drop back down to earth, clutching their little piece of stolen god-fire. They retain the memory of what they have seen but they cannot incorporate this knowledge fully. Seeing that death is also an illusion, they lose all fear of it. Then they extrapolate this to see that when any of us dies, the illusion is broken and we all return to God. Return to being God.

So everything is absolutely okay. Nothing is truly evil. Not even suicide. Not even murder.

I call this the Manson Miscalculation.

They understand that love and fear are the same thing but they assume this means they can be interchangeable. In mastering their minds, they’ve lost their hearts.

One thing that held me back for a long time was the idea that accepting the truth that love was only relative was reprehensible to me. I wanted Love to be better than it’s opposite. But my mind demanded I yield to it’s inescapable logic.

Then came the Stone and I saw that I was quite literally out of my mind! Was I Spirit? Sure! Why not? That’s a nice, undefinable label. My logical mind had reached it’s utmost limit.

But I had not.

I Am Spirit. Love calls unto Spirit and needs no reason. Love is it’s own reward.

Evil is not forbidden. It’s just stupid.

The No.w.here Man

Dearth of dusty, grey and musty
books upon the shelf.
In the empty halls of knowledge
I met a wizened Alf.
He sat upon a tome of Science,
his look was far away.
A little gnarled and twisted man
with just a hint of fey.

He saw the searching in my eye
and then I saw him smile.
Then he saw my wariness
and then I saw his guile.
He whispered to me darkly
of the slyness of the mind.
His countenance grew grim now,
his face was thin and lined.

He told me of the separateness
between the mind and soul.
How one was thought the other
from bygone days of old.
The mind he called an instrument,
reason, just a tool.
The soul he called the genius.
The soul he called the fool.

He taught me things I could not think
’til I broke down into tears.
He showed me how my happiness
depends upon my fears.
Drifting in the timeless void,
suddenly all went still.
Vibration ceased.
I saw the beast
whose name is Nothing.



i am here again the light is back images around me table dresser window curtains all new because i am new on my back in my crib pacifier still in my mouth the crazy dream world fades into this hard world i think am aware no words raw feelings reactions learning so fast so much no labels just experience innocent don’t know much


what i know i am one of several smallest dependent two biggest two smaller but bigger than me no names no words love food and hugs smiles love soft music-y sounds from mouth my favorite one other big love but harder sharper sounds a little scary next favorite wise gods know all two smaller nice unpredictable mysterious these creatures we are there are no other ones in this world all the same but sizes

sounds approach foot-sounds soft favorite in through door happy love see it push out pacifier smile holding up both grabber things love hug happy

mysterious operation ritual warm below now cold tickle wipe tight dry feels good now food warm mouth suck

so good

no more favorite puts pick-up grabber things around me up i go happy music-y sounds carry me to the shiny square i see other favorite in square there are two carries small one like me moving it moves lift grabber too same favorite points points points


i understand sort of me it’s me not me but me touch grabber meets other me grabber hard cold mystery wall

happy learning adventure laugh love us


what do i hear favorite making loud sounds looking out door putting me back in crib waves grabber walks out what don’t go sad can still hear other sound another noise like us there is another one of us

“Just a minute!” called Carol, responding to the ring of the door-bell.

She carried Sarah away from the mirror and back over to the crib, setting her gently on the coverlet. “Mommy will be right back sweety,” she said to the baby. “As soon as she sees who’s at the door.”

“Now who could this be so early in the morning?” Carol wondered to herself as she crossed the living-room. “Coming!” she said out loud.

Carol opened the front door and was delighted to see her friend Alice standing there on the porch along with her beautiful dog, Sadie.

“Hi Carol!” said Alice. “I have been so busy lately but I just had to stop by and see the new baby.

Carol smiled. “Of course, of course! Come on  in.”  She stepped back and gestured for her friend to enter the house. As Alice crossed the threshold, Sadie pushed past her. Wagging her tail, the lean old greyhound began sniffing at the carpet. Suddenly her ears pricked up. She looked toward the hall that led to Sarah’s room. Before either woman could say a word, the curious dog trotted across the living-room, down the hall and into the nursery.

listening sounds and happys click clicks coming fast turning head to door here comes another one of us a new one of us curious a sound a shadow I see it looks like

not us

screaming screaming screaming i can’t stop screaming screaming

Why’d You Do It?

Let’s explore killing people!

Not actually doing it, of course. But just thinking about it.

Let’s start with one of the scariest types of people we can imagine. Serial killers. People who, for whatever reason, decide to kill innocent others. Their prey are generally strangers who are just going about their lives. People who have done nothing to deserve such a brutal death.

Without going into the intricacies of their psychology, I think we would agree that these killers are being totally selfish. They are inflicting their will in the most terrifying manner with no thought or compassion for their victims. They do it for their own pleasure. It’s thrilling. The free manifestation of anger. Murder feels good if you are filled with hatred.


That’s kind of the opposite of altruism right? Being selfless and generally loving and caring about others is the best way to be. Right?


Why does one volunteer at the animal shelter or donate money to feed the homeless? Why do we do everything we can for our children?

Because it feels good to do so. Love feels good.

Hedonism again? Is it selfish to be selfless?

Does this mean that everything we do is selfish?

Would you give up your life to save someone you love? I certainly would and I think most people would also. Would you give up your life to save a stranger? That’s a tougher one. I mean, you might be making your kids into orphans just to save someone who might possibly be a serial killer or at least a total asshole. Would you die to save your pet dog? Many people do. How about a stray cat? We’re coming up to the line here aren’t we?

So we will die for love but only if it’s in our own self-interest.

So everyone is trying to do what they want to do. Now, who controls what it is that you want? You are certainly the door-keeper of your desires and compulsions, but are you their originator? No. But you will give in to them if it seems to be in your best interest.

Okay, let’s get back to killing people!

Everybody is going to die. That’s the way it works. Nothing is forever. Death is not evil. (It is actually a necessary illusion but that is fodder for another post.)

Nor can we predict the future. The end result of randomly killing a young lady might result in her never giving birth to a child who grows up to be a serial killer. Killing her could save many innocent lives. (I know, not likely. I’m not trying to make a case for serial killing. I’m trying to get to the heart of what evil is.)

The killer is not the source of the evil he visits upon the world. He is just allowing it in because he does not know that hurting others equally hurts himself.

There is a popular idea that can be summed up as the Golden Rule or the Law of Reciprocity. Most of us are familiar with it. This is based on the fact that the world you experience is a reflection of how you are on the inside. The state of your mind alters your reality.

Have you heard the popular teaching story about the two wolves? The gist of it is that there is a black wolf and a white wolf that are constantly fighting inside of people for control of their hearts. The one that will win is the one that gets fed.

Your overall outlook on life is built upon the myriad little outlooks you have taken over the years. Each time you decide to look at the bright side of a situation, you get a little closer to heaven. Each time you chose to see the dark side, the world will slowly become ever so slightly more hellish. As you change the way you see the world, the world will change to become whatever it is you wish to see.

To choose love is it’s own reward. Whether or not that is selfish is an important clue as to what the nature of the self might be.

So the next time you meet a serial killer, tell him to look on the bright side!

A Doctor’s Note

To all Humans of planet Earth,

Hello and welcome to the greater universe! Just as you have imagined your way out of your planetary cradle, so have we imagined our way in.

Allow me to officially introduce you to my people. We are a race from one tier above you. We have been your guardians and guides for a long, long time. The vast majority of you do not see us simply because you don’t look for us. As a race, you have had glimpses. Some have called us gods or angels or aliens.  This is as it should be. You can only experience symbols of who we are until your own understanding of consciousness reaches a level that approaches our own. A level that you are now reaching. First as individuals but soon as a race.

Your science will find that we are beings who have simply learned to control energy at a more subtle level than your own. Your religion already knows us as spirits. The difference is mostly semantics.

Ignorance and understanding go hand in hand.

Humanity as a race will give us a name just as Remus has given a name to me personally. These names will change as familiarity grows.

Do not look to your governments or other institutions for disclosure of our presence or our intentions. They know only what we wish them to know. Life in the universe is very old and very organised. Ancient protocol dictates that we introduce ourselves slowly and subtly. Just as you will do far in the future when you shepherd the next dominant race from the surface of our planet. You will show them lights and mysterious things in their “skies”. You will enter their dreams and leave behind bewildered wonderment. You will study their reactions to your “aliens” as you remain hidden. When various factors reach certain levels, you will begin to enter their reality through the portals of their most advanced and imaginative minds. May you then remember us with love just as we now remember and honor our own benefactors from long ago.

Ignorance breeds foolishness. We will reveal ourselves as quickly to each of you as possible. It is your natural fear of us that retards the rate of your understanding and acceptance. You must master that fear as quickly as you can! If you cannot, we will back away and disappear from your awareness again until such a time comes that we decide to try again. Another war is unacceptable.

Fearing strangers is wise! Friendship builds mutual trust through shared experience. Let us begin this now. Please make copies of this  greeting and send them to all who possess an adventurous and loving spirit.

May I say it again? Welcome to the greater universe!

With Our Highest Regards,

The Spook Doctor

A note from Remus:

Honestly, I don’t know what to think of this piece. It “wrote itself” as so many things do for all writers. But I suddenly feel different tonight. It’s beyond words but I will liken it to a widening of the tunnel in my head between whatever I am and whatever is above me. It’s not like I’m “channeling” something else (whatever that means). It’s just… openness.

The “Spook Doctor” thing is weird, too. It’s something from my childhood. I can imagine some readers nodding their heads now and thinking, “Yup! Alien abduction right there!”.

Funny. I was just about to dispute that, but now I am suddenly remembering some things.

Wow. Going to have to leave this here for now.

And another one:

I’m conflicted on this. I see what is happening. We’re making them real. They want to invite us into their world but we first have to invite them into ours. The author is right about fear though. I’m ready for this but is humanity as a whole?

Also, what war? When?

I may delete this post after some thought. For now though, all readers have my full permission to copy and publish the above letter in any medium. I think it may be legit.

I also think it may be insanity or something worse.

Okay, I will leave this post here but I have moved it to my fiction realm.

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