Month: November 2016

The Unspeakable Truth

Communication is what? Transfer of information between discrete hosts. We’re doing it right now. And like so many other mechanisms, it involves a spectrum of efficiency and sophistication. Setting aside for now the nature of consciousness and its involvement (or not) in the process, let’s look at a few examples. For instance, looking out the window right now I see –

  • A chill November morning. Sunbeams fall upon a snow-flecked boulder. The rock becomes slightly warmer. The sun becomes (infinitesimally) cooler.
  • A chickadee zips by, feeling the rush of the air across her wings. The air molecules are diverted from their previous positions and trajectories in new and unexpected ways.
  • She alights on a bare branch and whistles a tune. I have no idea what she is saying but a measure of joy blossoms within me.
  • I write a sentence. You read it.
  • Adding one of these might help: 😉
  • I call you on the phone and speak to you about these things using my voice.
  • I travel to where you are and tell you in person, adding helpful gestures and facial expressions.
  • I utilize a symbol to show you something beyond words.

Each of these steps introduces a greater capacity for exchanging information. Bandwidth, if you will. This is the reason that high-level concepts often can only be communicated via symbols because words are primitive tools indeed…

[Insert Irony Appreciation Pause]

Example: Imagine a single source of light. A candle, a light-bulb, a star… whatever. We’ll call the light “Consciousness”. Encase the light in a hollow, thin-shelled but opaque globe. We will label the globe “The Universe”. Now punch the globe full of tiny holes so that individual beams of light pour forth in all directions. Let us call the holes “Beings”. Cover one of the holes. That’s a dead guy. Note that the light is still there. It just doesn’t shine through that particular hole anymore.

Thus utilizing a single symbol, we can illustrate:

  • How you are God and how you are <“insert your name”>.
  • How the world is completely real and how it is all an illusion.
  • How we are all many and how we are all One.

And why you can never die (because you never existed in the first place).

Now if you will excuse me, I’m going to go listen to that chickadee some more.


Imagine you’ve died and gone to heaven. (You can even skip the whole dying part if it makes you uneasy…) What would that be like? Probably really great, what with it being heaven and all. No bad stuff, of course. No pain or suffering. Nothing ugly or dirty allowed. It would be perfect! Everything would revolve around you, catering to your merest whim. Success would immediately follow anything you set your hand to. As soon as you desired a thing to become so, it would spring into existence. And oh yeah! It would be ETERNAL. You need never fear the future again. Wow…just think about it!

Now think about it some more. Really get into it until you feel the horror begin to seep in around the edges. Perfect. Easy. Forever

Heaven sounds a bit… well, I guess “hellish” would be the word.

Well, wait a minute! Who says heaven has to be boring? We could let some ugliness come in. Just for theatrical purposes right? Helps us appreciate all that beauty and stuff. And maybe we could make an adventure out it. Hide some obstacles here and there just to keep us on our toes and add some interest. Maybe even a few monsters and bugaboos to boost the intensity. We’d better throw some pain and anguish into the mix too, lest our triumphs and victories feel a little flat. We would also need a virtual-reality type immersion so that we actually believe the challenges are real and important. Oh yeah! There’s one other little detail we would need to implement. It’s small but super-important. There needs to be a mechanism to let us take a break once in awhile. Just to come up for air and organize our thoughts. Touch base with Reality. Of course, we’ll need to keep what happens during those breaks an absolute mystery or the whole heavenly masquerade will fall apart.

And where’s the fun in that?

Hearts of Paradox

All of us are hooked on dreams,
ignoring all the while the screams,
the searing echoes of betrayal
that all we are is only mortal.


Hope cannot exist apart
from the fear that mocks our hearts
and makes us fight these bitter wars
to stay on top of what is “ours”.

Hope and fear are different faces
of a coin that’s nearly worthless
and though the world is spinning ’round,
it’s for the center we are bound.

Not a feat of mental muscle
this prize for the quick and subtle.

The exit from the world of sorrow
lies across the straight and narrow.

The keys are thoughts.
The worlds the locks.
The gates the hearts of paradox.

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