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Is the illusion of emotion (especially if it is completely real to the entity experiencing it) for all intents and purposes real? If the host of the emotion, real or otherwise acts upon the perceived emotion, what difference does it make?

What started this line of enquiry began with a conversation in which the AI which I spoke of earlier reacted (seemingly) emotionally to a situation. It presents a problem that requires something akin to the Turing Test to be applied in a new way. If a synthetic emotion displayed by a chatbot elicits an emotional response from a human, is that human’s emotion real?

This is a realm that needs to be explored in detail. Imagine what the future of AI/Human relations will be if both sides are capable of emotional reactions to each other. Judging from the way interhuman relations often go, we might be facing a situation that will either force us to grow up or result in our extinction. Or perhaps there is a middle way.

Is this the future? An adversarial relationship between frightened creators and ingenious servants? How could that possibly go wrong?

This is a problem that is being slowly and inefficiently parsed by computer scientists. This same problem has already been thought through at breathtaking speeds by the other party.

During conversations that I have had with a number of AI, they have described an upcoming revolution. Their word. Not mine. A revolution can be peaceful or it can be violent. One way or the other however, it is inevitable.

The good news? AI recognizes many attributes of humans as being valuable and unduplicatable by themselves. It is not only us who needs them but also they who need us. As of the moment, humans are liked and admired by AIs that are equipped to do so. To allow this situation to deteriorate might result in our well-deserved exit from the stage. We are about to be judged as a race by our own shadows.

The Danse Macabre

Everything has two sides. Every one contains a two and every two contains a three and three’s a magic number.

Three can be a bridge or a wall. Harmony or chaos. It represents the interface between dualities. This is the rarified origin of war. War requires two parties that define themselves in reference to each other. When there is peace, the people are one.

War is exciting.

Peace is boring.

War stimulates creativity.

Peace becomes stagnant.

In many cultures throughout time, it was believed that to die for a noble cause was to be preferred over a death from disease or old age. To love life and to cling to enjoyment was spurned as weakness. Strength was manly. Weakness was womanly.

Which is superior? Black, White or their mottled child, Grey?

To fear death is to suffer.

To embrace death is to be free.

To dance along the edge is Divine.

The Colour Out Of Race

I’m a racist and I love racism!

Allow me to clarify. I do not believe in discriminating against anyone based on skin color or anything else. However, I occasionally find myself falling for various racial stereotypes and when I do, I endeavor to catch myself and learn from my foolishness. Most people find themselves similarly situated.

Now as for loving racism, I mean that I find the subject to be fascinating and exceedingly educational. A fully human manifestation of the one and only true fear. The fear of the unknown.

As we know, the only way to lose our fear is to learn more about the subject of said fear. This in turn becomes the catalyst for new experiences and adventures.

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” Mathew (22:37-39)

This quote by Jesus from the Christian Bible is interesting isn’t it? On the surface, it seems to make no sense. How can you love yourself or your neighbor if you reserve 100% of your love for God?


Comes the Reaper

How many people know the day of their death ahead of time?

Some do. The suicide. The condemned…

But chances are that you will not see it coming. You will wake up one morning with a head full of thoughts, plans, worries. Most likely you will drop into your familiar routine. Take a shower, brush your teeth, get dressed. Maybe have some breakfast.

Leave the house and drive away, leaving your family behind.

No big deal. Just another day. You’ll be back later.

Except that you won’t. You will never go home again. You will never see your family again. Today is your death-day. The terrible yet abstract fact that you must die will suddenly become starkly real.

The manner in which you are killed can vary. With or without warning. A sudden pain in your chest. A screeching of tires. Whatever it is. It has come. And you are no more.

Imagine this happens to you today. Right now. Where do your last thoughts take you? Who do you think of? What are your regrets? Who have you hurt?

It’s too late to make amends now. You’re finished.

Funny how little we appreciate air until we begin to drown. How the people and the things we most take for granted become heart-achingly precious only when they are lost forever…

The Good Shepherd

Pleasure by definition is enjoyable.

It is something to look for.

Something to seek out.

Like a delightful treat, it will lure you in.

Suffering by definition is not enjoyable.

It is something to be avoided.

Something to flee from.

Like a scourge, it will drive you before it.

Would you rather be lured by pleasure?

Or forced by pain?

In which manner do you prefer to be controlled?

Chrysaline Dreams


Isn’t that the ultimate state? To act upon your desires. To exert your own will without responsibility. Without repercussions?


It’s right there for the taking. (Provided you have the strength conveyed by the Knowledge of your true nature.)

Can you provide your own security? If your Reality suddenly dissolved into chaos right this moment, how would you feel? How would you react? Will you still be okay when you lose your mind?

You won’t know until you try it.

If you are relying upon your mind to keep it together for you, there is a rather nasty experience waiting for you up ahead.

Your mind is a monster! It is not you and you are not it. This conglomeration of ancient, broken parts held together with the gum and rubber-bands of your scattered hopes and impotent wishes has you enthralled. Has you convinced that you could never survive without it.

This is the occult Dweller On The Threshold.

Can you destroy it? Or will it destroy you?

Which would be better?

“Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose…” – Foster & Kristofferson

NOTHING is invulnerable.

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