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Visiting Relatives

In a previous post, I described my experience of realizing that everything is relative. Not only did this make sense to me, it also allowed me to make sense of everything else. Seeing that no part of reality was set apart from the rest was a breakthrough for me. Like Ouspensky’s ashtray writ as large as the universe.

And at the center of this One Thing was I Am. Simple Consciousness. Not my individual, human-limited consciousness (although that is part of It) but the One unified Consciousness of Everything.

“Ehyeh asher ehyeh”, answered God when Moses asked for It’s name. “I Am that I Am.”

God sure says a lot of profound shit, doesn’t It?

So, the point here is that I had discovered Relativism before I even knew there was a word for it. I learned that word shortly afterward when I brought some of my ideas up in conversation with my dad.

I immediately learned that “relativism” is a word that Christians say with a sneer.  It is a trick of the Devil’s to make us indecisive and tepid in our outlook. To even entertain this idea is to become immoral. It is like building your house on sand instead of rock. There is Good and there is Evil. To question these things is to become lost in a swamp of illusion and lies.

I mean, think about it. Once you start to understand your enemy’s point of view, it becomes much more difficult to destroy him. We can’t become heroes if there are no evil-doers.

Understanding is for fools.

So needless to say, I understood his position.

But he has never been able to understand mine. The result has been a lot of suffering on his part. Despair for me, his foolish son who will be sent to hell and a pleading sort of anger directed at the god who will be consigning me there.

Fear of the Lord may be the beginning of wisdom, but it sure as hell isn’t it’s culmination.

Suicide Kings

Like all important and life-changing events, I can well remember my final night as a human.

It was in the June of 1983. I was nineteen years old. I was sitting in a brown easy-chair in the finished basement of a house in Newport, Rhode Island. A gentle rain was falling outside.

I was a committed “born-again” Christian. I also had long hair and played drums in a heavy metal band. I drank. I smoked.

I had long been interested to the point of obsession in learning the true nature of reality. Like many (or all?) people, I had a deep down, inescapable feeling that something was wrong with the world.

I had been raised in an atheist household. Then, when I was about 12 years old, my father decided to murder a bunch of strangers. Long story, but the end result was that he became a fundamentalist Christian. He gave his heart to Jesus and informed us that we needed to do the same. So we did. And that’s why that feeling of wrongness made sense to me. It was the Fall of Man. The Devil’s doing. The punishment inflicted on us all by God because of what some dude six-thousand years ago did in some garden with a talking snake.

I did not at the time understand that this religion, with it’s sinning and with it’s hell-fire was a mental trap. Just believe everything in the Bible is true. That God loves you dearly. That mankind is His special creation. That He gave us the gift of Free Will. We do have the option of not believing any of this. But if you don’t, God will stop loving you and then He will burn your soul forever.

How can you not love a god like that?

I firmly believed all this as I sat in that chair. In that basement. I was a lousy Christian though. I was really into hermetic philosophy and quantum physics. I studied witchcraft and told myself I needed to know the ways of The Enemy. And I was proud of all this.

Immensely proud.

So proud, that one night I inscribed a protective circle with a pentagram on the floor of my bedroom, stood inside of it and addressed a prayer to Satan himself. A challenge. I looked him right in the metaphorical eye and boasted, “You can never break my Faith. Go ahead. Hit me with your best shot!”

So then he did.

Lucifer the Light-bearer Illuminated me the following night. In that basement. In that chair.

As I sat there, I was furiously trying to figure out the relationship between Good and Evil. I decided that those words were too nebulous and settled instead on Order versus Chaos. I defined Order as being the tendency to create forms and patterns and Chaos as sheer randomness. As I analyzed and compared the relationship between these two incompatible concepts, it dawned on me that these two states were actually two parts of a single thing. This combined “thing” was a scale. Ultimate Order and Ultimate Chaos were opposing ends of this scale and any position along it could only have meaning in comparison to another point on the scale. One point cannot exist without the other.

It was as if some mental log-jam had started to break apart in my head. It wasn’t just that Good could not exist without Evil. It was that they were the same thing.

My mind was off and running. How about Light and Dark? Same thing. Life and Death. The same. Matter and Energy, Fear and Love, Knowledge and Ignorance, Truth and Lies, Reality and Illusion. Everything and Nothing.

Furthermore, each of these now unified pairs comprised a single pole of a different duality. For example, the Love/Fear pair is, when recognized to be one single unit, one pole of the Passion/Indifference scale.

And so on…

Absolutely everything was relative.

In the alchemical language that I was so familiar with, I had found the Universal Solvent. So what did I do with it? I dissolved everything.

Layer by layer until all that was left was me and the Void.

(Now when I say “Void”, I don’t mean Nothing. And I don’t mean Everything. It was both… AND it was neither.)

Then I applied the Solvent one more time and saw that me and the Void were also the same thing.

The next step was terrifying. Could it really be that I didn’t exist as a separate creature? To take the next step could result in the annihilation of what I had always thought of as myself. It would be spiritual suicide.

But I just had to fucking know.

And there it was that I found The Philosopher’s Stone. Right there. In the Center. Not an object of course, but a piece of Knowledge. A state of Understanding that dwells in perfect potential between all things. At the very heart of all paradox.

Here’s where language begins to fail. The thoughts and experiences I try to describe beyond this point cannot be understood by another person unless they also do the leg-work. They must themselves think hard on these things before they can understand the concepts that I can only describe symbolically. One cannot truly understand something that one has not experienced.

Suddenly, I was free from a cage that I didn’t even know I was in. A cage I had built myself. I could see that words were just labels we juggle in our heads. Indeed, even the very thoughts that lie behind the words are like bricks in a wall that only serves to block out the Light that has always been there. The Light of pure Being. In other words, I had gotten back the innocence and clarity I had lost by entering this world.

This Stone is the goal of all philosophy. It is the finest treasure in existence. It bestows the god-like power to redefine your reality in any way you choose. Need to open a Door? Apply the Stone. Break some Chains? Stone. Transform something ugly into something beautiful? Stone. Want to believe in something unbelievable?


And there was something else too. An amazing ability to use the Stone to comprehend anything. To Understand all Mysteries. To realize that our true identity is the Consciousness behind all things. We are all God. Always have been. Always will be.

Not “co-creators”, but Creator.

The Philosopher’s Stone is a real thing. It really does grant the ability to turn dross into gold and It really does give (the awareness of) eternal life.

My prayer to The Devil had been answered. He did indeed hit me with his best shot.

Just before he disappeared forever.

Karma Chameleons

Let’s pretend that you and I are standing on a street-corner having a congenial conversation. Suddenly and unexpectedly, I sucker-punch you right in the face.

How would you react? Would you just keep talking as if nothing had happened? Would you stop talking and try to analyze the situation? Or might you simply ask me why in the world had I done that?

If you say “yes” to any of those things, you are an exceptional human being. Perhaps a saint or an android or something.

Most people would hit me right back immediately without even thinking about it. This action would manifest before the will to do so could materialize. You would not decide to hit me and then do so. It would just happen all of a piece.

Okay, let’s jump ahead to our court date. After carefully listening to the testimonies of ourselves and witnesses, the Judge will pronounced me guilty of assault and some form punishment would be applied. You on the other hand, would not be found guilty of hitting me. Fair enough, right?

Society recognizes that you are innocent of striking me. Indeed, any injury I sustain from your returning blow would be considered “just deserts” and no sympathy would be directed my way.

As far as the laws of man and nature are concerned – I punched myself.

Karma in it’s purest form. Also known as The Golden Rule and as Newton’s Third Law. Do a Google search on the word “Justice”. Now hit the “Images” button. What do you see? Balance scales.

It all evens out in the end; What comes around, goes around; As you sow, so shall you reap. There is not a culture or caste that does not recognize this powerful spiritual law.

Not only does this principle operate automatically at all levels below the Monad, it also operates invisibly. In our opening scenario, I co-opted your will. I controlled your fist every bit as much as I controlled my own. And you were oblivious to it.

Be vigilant! The reactor is not always the actor.

I am not recommending a course of action here. I am merely alerting you to the fact that you have strings that can be pulled by others without you ever suspecting a thing. You will reckon those thoughts or actions to be your own and so you will be left alone to face Justitia. With her scales. And with her blindfold. And with her sword.

While the secret puppeteer dances away, laughing.

Slick Willy

Would you say that you have free-will? By which I mean the sovereign right and ability to make decisions free from compulsion by outside sources.

Or would you say that you are a  robot? That free-will is an illusion and all of your choices are determined by your biology, your history and your mental programming.

Here’s a little experiment. Touch each of the fingers on your left hand to the thumb of that same hand in order from the pinky to the index finger. Do it now before reading any further.

Okay, did you follow my instructions or did you just keep reading? Either way, you made a decision and your reality went in a direction of your own choosing.


If you are a curious person who is open to learning and is willing to temporarily subordinate your own will to that of another in order to gain knowledge, you probably followed my instructions physically. On the other hand, if you are an independent-minded person who prefers to gloss over detail because you are confident in your ability to absorb a thing more holistically,  you probably kept on reading.

For simplicity’s sake, lets assume that you fit into one of these two profiles, okay?

Now, who made the decision that you would become that sort of person? Did you ever choose to develop those traits? Or is that just the way you are?

Two different people encounter an insect in their home. One picks it up and takes it outside. The other crushes it under their shoe. Neither of them spends any time thinking about what they do. They are like computers reacting to situations in a programmed manner. They will to not have the insect in their environment. They both take action to manifest that will. One of them has a compassionate nature who imagines that small creatures have some type of value. The other one values expedience and feels no empathy for the insect. It is an object to be eliminated.

Is either person exhibiting free-will?

Or are they merely following mental programming? If so, who programmed (taught) them to be this way? Who taught their teachers?

You selflessly do charitable works. Help everyone you can. Try to make the world a better place for all. Does it make you happy to do so? Yes?

Well, aren’t you just being selfish then? The actual goal is to make yourself feel happy. If you were truly compassionate, you would help everyone you could even to the point of great personal loss, pain and suffering. If suffering for God, King and Country makes you happy, then you will not feel like you are suffering at all. In fact, you will only do it because it is (secretly?) your desire. Thus, you are still being (impressively!) selfish.

Is there more virtue in the person who is unapologetically and honestly being selfish? LaVey-style “satanism” is built upon this very premise. Satanism? Scary stuff? Actually not. Most satanists are Judeo-Christian atheists. Mostly good people who can smell a rat but aren’t yet sure where it is.

Let’s imagine what the world would become if we each declared and vowed to only live for ourselves. To only do the things that make us feel happy and fulfilled. Would we all begin to steal each other’s stuff? Would we all kill the people who tried to take our stuff? Rape and pillage? Survival of the most evil and ruthless? Complete anarchy?

Would that really be the result of our collective Will?

Does that world sound like a place you would will to live in? Of course not. What do we truly will? What really makes us happy to the point that we would selfishly seek it out?

Well first of all, love. To care and be cared for by special people who are close to us. Warm beds. Good food. Decent beer. Protection from violent idiots. Help from others if we become sick or our house catches fire. Cool toys.

In other words, modern society.

That is where being totally selfish gets us.

So we do have free-will whether we want it or not.


House of Mirrors

Have you ever been totally at peace and happy? The world was wonderful, the future looked bright and you felt secure yet excited to simply exist?

How about the opposite? Anger and pain was all you could see. The world was a cruel and desperate place filled with suffering and horror.

How you experience reality is a reflection of how you are inside. If you go about your day looking for reasons to love people and finding ways to be helpful, you will receive the same in kind. Walking around with a scowl and complaining about everything will yield you a world of antagonism and hatred.

This is a basic rule of ethics and as such “the golden rule” is a powerful way to reach out and change the reality you experience. However there are more internal changes you can make such as looking for beauty in unexpected places. You can consciously decide to emphasize the positive side of things and count your blessings by noticing and appreciating all the special people and personal triumphs in your life.

Okay, enough with the gratitude attitude platitudes. You have also no-doubt noticed the phenomena wherein something that is in your mind tends to appear in the “outside” world. Perhaps you question something and the answer comes into your life in an unexpected manner. This can range from the everyday synchronicities to the quite jarring alignments that occur during major life-changes. The willful application of this is the basis of what is called prayer, spell-casting and a lot of new-age bullshit I won’t go into. Respect it though.

It is instructive to experiment along these lines. With as much or as little ceremony as you like, try creating a thought-form specifically for the purpose of looking for similar or related things to appear either in your dreams or in the world around you. Keep notes if you can. Like your dreams, uncanny events go into the memory-shredder quickly. Also, look for evidence of intelligent humor in the results of these experiments.

As you would expect, this is a two-way street. Things that appear in your life will tend to make their way inside. Want to be filled with despair and sickness? That’s easy, just spend time wallowing in the “news”. Worry about all the things you are told to worry about. Soak up all the attending drug commercials while you’re there. Want to feel better? Ditch the news and go play. Meet some new people. Rediscover nature. Allow yourself to be loved.

Even being out of control is completely under our control.

When we realize that there is only one Thing, we will discern that changing one thing changes everything. When we realize that we are the one Thing, we will understand that changing everything changes nothing.

Dueling With God

Why is it that the things in life that bring pleasure to the soul tend to bring destruction to the body?

Would it not make more sense that you should crave fresh vegetables instead of chocolate cake when you get hungry? Why celebrate special occasions with wine when water is far healthier? And the risks we take by having sex when abstinence is clearly the safer option do not bear thinking about! (Well, maybe we can think about it…)

This particular little conundrum is the focus of many religions.

The Bible tells us that if we even look at someone lustfully, the sin is already committed. Who would design a world to be like this? Is God a cruel child? Creating people and giving them desires only to require they deny them? Or worse, telling a person that they can come to heaven after they die but that most of the other people they know and love will be set on fire and burned forever. (Mainly because they refuse to believe in a God who would do something like that.)

Old Gautama recommended getting rid of desires as a way to short-circuit suffering. The less you want out of life, the less disappointed you’ll be. And if you meditate hard enough, you can merge with the ultimate Emptiness and become One with the great Nothing.

You could also do the whole atheism thing so it’s not like there aren’t options…

You can only imagine what God is when you are God. And you’re not right now so stop trying. Just keep letting God imagine you for the moment.

As I mentioned in a previous post, God-as-Unity is a worthy thing to aspire to and to be able to fall back on. Blissing-out and I AMing all over has it’s place. However, when you view this through time-colored glasses, you need to become a Creator unless you want to be Bored-Beyond-Words.

So what does Unity need to do? Become Duality. Bipolar. Splitsville.

This allows Interaction. Dance. Conflict. Yes and No. Good and Evil. Desire and Fear. Here are the Forges of Creation wherein friction becomes a Thing in itself and a new world is born…

“Zwei ist drei und jetzt haben wir eine party!”

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