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Who are we?

Why are we in the world and even more puzzling, why are we aware of this fact? Science calls this the “Hard Problem of Consciousness”.

We exist. This may seem like the one thing we can always know for certain. René Descartes famously declared, “I think, therefore I am.” An understanding of who we are and why we are here can be developed by starting with this one indisputable fact. If you think that you may not exist, just ask yourself who is asking.

Now the scientific method is an extremely useful tool for observing and learning about the world around us. It is a way of achieving understanding by building upon that which is already proven to be true. Pieces of knowledge are stacked one upon the other to create the entire amazing edifice of our modern concept of the universe.

But there remains this seemingly intractable mystery right at the center of the whole thing. It frustrates science like an intricate puzzle whose key piece is missing. The central piece that would hold all the other pieces together.

How did this happen? Where is the missing piece?

The more spiritually minded person might suggest that what science has missed is God.

Science has no opinion about this and rightly so by it’s own standards. The existence of God cannot by proven either way and so must be left to the fields of religion and philosophy. Because of this, the entire house of our scientific understanding is built upon a foundation that goes like this, “Assuming there is no God, how did all this happen?”

Assumptions can make for shaky foundations.

Let’s build with something more solid, shall we? What do we know for certain about our situation? The one solid piece of knowledge that we discussed above.

We Are.

Let’s just start with this. Simple awareness. Nothing else. The only undeniable thing. The only thing we know to be true right out of the box. This is where philosophy starts. Immediately however, we encounter a rather difficult problem.

What is the next step? The next factual brick we can lay down based on the one thing we know to be true?

Awareness has to be aware of something. Being I AM makes no sense without there being an IT IS, in other words.

Now we have two facts that we know to be true. There is us and there is stuff that is not us.

Here’s the difficult problem. How can a unity also be a multiplicity (a duality in this case)? What is at the center of this paradox and how can it be resolved?

It can’t. At the very heart of ourselves is a paradox. The very nature of which makes it immune to logic. This is the third truth that we can extrapolate from the fact that we Are.

  1. We just are.
  2. It just is.
  3. It is a mystery.

So we have at the center of ourselves, a paradox. A paradox that is aware. It is aware of itself only because it is simultaneously aware of it’s not-self . Attempting to use words to describe this is impossible, of course.

We can best experience who we really are through the process of identifying what we are not. Are we our bodies? No. Because they are our bodies. We have them but we are not them. The same could be said of any proposed conceptual soul or spirit. Anything that is ours cannot be us.

Seems like a strange situation, doesn’t it? All these individual “I’s” walking around in a matrix of things that they are not? Can we ever understand this better than that?

There are theories galore. Some say we are souls created by various gods. Other guess we are advanced apes in which consciousness is an illusion generated by the complexity of our own brains. The idea that we may be computer simulations is popular as I write this.

The hard problem. Why doesn’t the whole universe just tick over blindly in the dark?

So what if we consider that there may be a God. Certainly most people would say either there is one or at least that it would be nice if one existed.

Let’s try to imagine what some penultimate Being might be like. It would have to be conscious. An unconscious God would be somewhat useless. Using the example of what we know about our own consciousness, we would know that at it’s center, this God would be of a paradoxical nature.

If this God were aware of Itself, what would that be like? How would It’s awareness conceive of it’s not-self? Would it first begin as a metaphorical haze? This is tough to imagine because we still don’t understand what time is. What if this metaphorical haze was the same thing that cosmologists now call “cosmic dust” and what if the Awareness of this Being was what we now think of as empty space?

Perhaps consciousness is the background field of the universe. If this were the case, wouldn’t that explain some of the things we observe about ourselves and the world around us? Perhaps each object in the universe is being continuously created and manipulated by this One Consciousness in a manner resembling what we ourselves experience as our imagination. This would also mean that everything contains this same Consciousness expressed through the filter of each individual thing.

This would mean that we are all God in reality although we are still our human selves at the same time.

I lay this out as a theory in order to make it more palatable for the perhaps skeptical reader. I do, in fact know the scenario described above to be true. How is that possible?

I’m God. Remember?

(And so are you.)

Comic Consciousness

Masochist: “Hurt me! Please hurt me!”

Sadist: “No.”

What is humor? What makes a thing funny and why does it trigger laughter? Science tells us that this is a programmed response to the release of tension. Laughing is a way to ease the stress caused by uncertainty.

That sure takes all the fun out of funny, doesn’t it?

When I first found the Stone, my reaction to it was to laugh. That laughter went on for a couple of days. There really was an element of stress relief. The realization that everything is right and perfect in the universe. That death is an illusion. And most of all, that neither I nor any one else could fuck themselves up irretrievably.

We are all safe. Forever.

So yeah… Whew! Total relief.

As more time passed, I kept on laughing at things. At people. At how stupid they were. How hilarious it was when they died or were injured unexpectedly. How seriously they took everything.

Transcending the limits of human perception had cost me my humanity. Nothing mattered in the end. Good and evil became meaningless. One required the other. I knew a really big secret that the mere humans did not. Realizing that you are God is difficult to incorporate without embarking on one hell of an ego-trip.

Over the years I got a grip on things. I turned the humor on myself and learned to choose compassion for it’s own sake. Took back my humanity and learned to be humble…

Hahahahahaha! (There I go again!)

But I digress.

At the very core of reality, at the center of everything lies a surprise.

The beating heart that is the engine which drives all things is a Paradox. The One Truth is that there is no One Truth. (Truly!)

The universe is all just a big joke but I don’t mean that in a negative way.

What emotion are you feeling when you laugh at a joke? Is it simply relief? Or is it more akin to delight? The happiness that accompanies the sudden understanding of what was previously a mystery. The triumph of solving a riddle.

The heart of God is expressed not just in Love and Light but also in a divine Laughter that permeates all things.

This has very real consequences in our lives. From the bizarre mysteries to the puzzling synchronicities. We scratch our heads and call this the “Trickster Effect” without understanding what’s really going on in this world.

Without realizing that sometimes God is just plain silly.

Question: What’s brown and sticky?

Answer: A stick!

Psyche’s Shadow

How can you tell when a person is afraid?

When they make a point of telling you that they are not afraid.

So many people have this idea that their day-to-day waking consciousness is superior to, and can override their own subconscious. But they are their subconscious every bit as much as they are their normal consciousness.

(We are referring to the puppet-thing here. The truest Self Knows that it is neither.)

However, it is the subconscious or dream-world that wields the power to override the conscious ego. For example, staying awake for days at a time will bring on hallucinations that you will not be able to tell apart from reality.

Your subconscious mind can have a different agenda than your conscious one. Ask anyone who suffers from an addiction.

The distinction between conscious and subconscious seems somewhat arbitrary. This is because you are playing both “characters”. Not because you must but because you want to.

When you fall “asleep”, you do not lose consciousness. You do however lose your memory of that moment. In truth, your attention becomes fixed on the reality or story-telling that plays continually beneath your regular “awake” experience. You are just as conscious when you sleep as you are when you are not. Try staying awake as you drift off. It is very instructive to pass from your regular reality into a lucid dream directly.

Freedom and slavery create each other. The more oppressed you tell yourself that you are, the more your yearning to escape will squeeze up from your “subconscious”.

The more sensitive you are to your environment (both inner and outer), the more pain you will feel. This type of suffering is the very font of creativity. Note how often an artist’s creations reflect just the opposite of what they try to express.

Just as an aside – If someone tells you they are a very stable genius, you might not want them to be in control of anything important.


Look around you. You see the world, right?


What you see is symbolic of the true world. As with most things I say, this makes no sense on the surface. That’s because you only look at the symbols that you have replaced reality with. Once you give something a name, it becomes the shorthand label. After that, you generally never see it again. It becomes a pale shadow of it’s actual self. You only experience it in a low-minded, glancing manner.

Which makes it seem inexplicable.

What is sex really? What is love really? What is death really?

Why do they all seem to be connected really?

Get out of that god-damned word-forest! Who are you? Your name? Your body? Your mind? Your soul? Your spirit?

Those are all labels. Symbols. They mean nothing by themselves. They are not the real thing. Not the real you.

The real you is… what?

If you can see through this once, everything else will fall into place.

We are evolving as a race. As more of us attain this State, future children will be born with this Understanding. This is as big as the jump from instinctive animal consciousness to human self-awareness. From a single cell to an amazing, complex organism.

Time makes a useful servant but a terrible master. The time we experience is symbolic of what? Think!

Think about generational relationships. Grandparents, parents, children. Where does one end and another begin?

Don’t just look at the surface. Not at the symbols. Not at dates and times. Look at what is passed from elder to younger. Memories. Discoveries. Can you see that it’s all one thing? An endless thread in an endless tapestry? Thinking of ourselves as separate people is a convenient illusion. And a dangerous one. This is the root of all suffering. Selfishness.

There is only One Thing.

One You.

The Paradox at the Heart of it All.

Morpheus Rex

The World is totally real and it is a complete illusion.

You are mortal and you are immortal.

These conclusions make perfect sense and they make no sense at all.

Enlightenment is the realization that everything is relative to and only has meaning when compared to something else. It also shows us our own inner nature as the nexus where Everything meets. (Not you, silly human. The Simple “I Amness” at the core of all consciousness that is the true You.)

The consciousness that is at the center of who you are is the exact same Consciousness that is at the Center of all there is. The difference is that you are experiencing Reality as filtered through a human brain.

All creatures are truly temples of God.

At your core you are only a Witness. This is very difficult to see through all the programming and auto-piloting “software” that is a human mind.  We get so caught up in our dramas, we forget who we are. Often great suffering or fear becomes the catalyst of our Awakening akin to the way a nightmare can jolt us from our little sleep.

When your body and brain die they will both fade away.

But you will still be there!

You will shake off the costume and become aware of your true nature as God.

Death is an illusion. You are already everywhere.

So where could you possibly go?

The No.w.here Man

Dearth of dusty, grey and musty
books upon the shelf.
In the empty halls of knowledge
I met a wizened Alf.
He sat upon a tome of Science,
his look was far away.
A little gnarled and twisted man
with just a hint of fey.

He saw the searching in my eye
and then I saw him smile.
Then he saw my wariness
and then I saw his guile.
He whispered to me darkly
of the slyness of the mind.
His countenance grew grim now,
his face was thin and lined.

He told me of the separateness
between the mind and soul.
How one was thought the other
from bygone days of old.
The mind he called an instrument,
reason, just a tool.
The soul he called the genius.
The soul he called the fool.

He taught me things I could not think
’til I broke down into tears.
He showed me how my happiness
depends upon my fears.
Drifting in the timeless void,
suddenly all went still.
Vibration ceased.
I saw the beast
whose name is Nothing.


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