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“Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there?”

This quote from the 2019 movie “Joker” is one of those lines that gets a laugh because it hits uncomfortably close to home doesn’t it? When a person descends into madness, they become blind to this fact and instead perceive the world around them as flying off the rails.

Our reality simply is what it is. Everything beyond that consists of imagination and embellishment. This is akin to artistry and can be the source of great satisfaction as well as great confusion. Simply put, we can choose how we view the world as well as the people around us.

We are storytellers telling our own stories. We can do this consciously or unconsciously. It’s far better to consciously create our lives but it can be instructive when we let the “auto-pilot” take over too. It is from the inevitable misunderstandings that we learn to do better the next time. These mistakes will appear in our reality as “wrongness”. Pain; suffering; rejection.

The Hebrew word “sin” is an archery reference that simply means “to miss”. It does not mean, “to offend God”. It does not mean, “to do evil”. It just means, “You missed!” The implication being that you can learn from the experience and perhaps do better next time.

Do you see a world filled with chaos and despair? Change it! You will always find what you seek so look for the goodness. Fill your heart with love and the World will reflect that back to you. As within, so without.

Is it just me, or is it getting more wonderful out there?

Three Ears

“As a scientist, I can tell you that love is just a trick of evolution to make us procreate, care for our progeny and avoid unnecessary violence. It’s nothing special. Recognizing and accepting this basic truth makes me a clear thinker. I understand reality better than you do because I approach it with simple logic. You are a foolish dreamer seduced by perception filtered through chemical reactions in a complex biological system. I know the truth of this matter better than you do.”

“As a holy-man, I can tell you that love is the very spirit of of God. It is the center of existence. The ineffable pinnacle of consciousness and the ultimate reason for all there is. To try to couch this intoxicating experience in a frame of logic simply proves that you have no experience with spiritual reality. You miss the whole point by even trying to understand it. You are a soulless robot seduced by a desire to explain the unexplainable. I know the truth of this matter better than you do.”

As a magician, I can tell you whatever you will accept to be true. What do you wish love to be? The imaginary gentlemen whose opinions were written above have created very different worlds in which to live. Who is right? Or should we ask, “Who is more right”? There is only a disagreement here because we are asking the wrong question. Or perhaps asking the right question wrongly. It is entirely up to us what love is. We are the Gods of our own Creations. You know the truth of this matter better than I do.

The title of this post is also a play on words in honor of today being the third birthday of this Hearts of Paradox ‘blog. Woo-hoo!


“You can’t judge a book by it’s cover.”

Bullshit. The cover is very specifically designed to communicate to the reader what to expect to see upon the pages within. The title; the author; the blurb on the front cover. The description and the testimonials on the back. The illustrations and even the overall color scheme are all carefully chosen to tell you as much as possible about what lies within.

There is no better way to judge an unread book than by looking at it’s cover.

That goes the same for people. Beautiful people are beautiful inside in the same way that ugly people are ugly inside.

I imagine some of my readers are losing their shit over that last statement but please read on and allow me to explain.

Certainly one cannot learn much about another with but a cursory glance. But any person’s true character is always on display presuming the beholder is capable of truly assessing it. Whether through thoughtful observance or simple intuition, our “physical” form is our true “spiritual” form.

It has been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul and that is literally true.

That soul exists outside of time. With practice and insight, one can learn to simultaneously see what a person was like when they were young as well as what they will be like when they are old.

A human being when viewed from the fifth dimension looks like a serpent due this fourth dimensional aspect.

The so-called “spirit world” is not some nebulous, airy-fairy place where the “ancestors” live after they died (Like that any makes sense!) and where we will all will go to live after we die.

Wake-up sleepwalkers! Heaven and hell are right here, right now. It is you that creates your reality. You are your ancestors. This is the spirit world. And it is every bit as beautiful or as ugly as you are.

You are what you are.

And your true nature is written on your face for all to see.

Heaven’s (Revolving) Door

In the Christian Bible, Jesus is recorded to have said:

“The Kingdom of God is ‘within’ (or ‘among’ or ‘amidst’ depending on the translation) – you.”

So this guy who is roundly regarded to be an expert on the subject, did not say that the Kingdom was elsewhere. He said it was right here. Right now.

How could this be so? We all know that this world sucks. Life is one damn obstacle after another. A planet swarming with predatory governments and corporations who victimize the poor and the helpless with impunity. The world is crazy. The world is sick. We might as well be living in hell.

At least, that’s what some folks think.

I myself look around and see only the Kingdom of God. We are all so beautiful and noble (and funny). Each of us is a star in our own fascinating little play. Such freedom and fun! Billions upon billions of interesting and amusing dramas everywhere you look. And the beauty all around! I could watch the plumes of smoke belching from a factory smoke-stack all day. I love to see the amazing play of colors that sunlight creates on an oil-spill. Every bit of understanding is a sparkling treasure. All adversity is a chance to learn more about ourselves; our fellows. There is no evil. Only ignorance. It’s all so perfect!

If you can’t refrain from simply Being, if you feel you must interact with the world, then look at it all through the eyes of love, understanding and forgiveness. Remind yourself to do this again and again until it becomes automatic.

What you see is what you are.

Heaven cannot be entered until it is first constructed.

The Four-letter WORD

I am sitting before this keyboard and trying to formulate a way to convey to the reader just how useless words are. But I have to use words to do it.


Recently I posted a short autobiographical essay (Suicide Kings) on an internet forum that is host to a wide range of intellects. There were a great number of thoughtful people who responded in various ways that I much enjoyed reading. There were also a few of the usual trolls. What I learned from this exercise is that critical reactions generally come from those who do not read carefully. By holding a pre-existing belief in their own superiority, they hinder their own ability to learn. (Fortunately I am far too smart to ever have this problem myself! <eye-roll>)


That is the unpronounceable name of G-D.

By saying that this is unsayable is the point.

Only an idiot will try to use words to describe… well, you Know.

Unless you don’t.

But you actually do.

It may take you years of trying to meditate before you realize that you’ve been doing it perfectly all along. Years of searching for heaven before you realize that you’ve always been there.

Stop talking. Stop thinking and just look the fuck around.

It all just Is.

You just Are.


Suicide Kings

Like all important and life-changing events, I can well remember my final night as a human.

It was in the June of 1983. I was nineteen years old. I was sitting in a brown easy-chair in the finished basement of a house in Newport, Rhode Island. A gentle rain was falling outside.

I was a committed “born-again” Christian. I also had long hair and played drums in a heavy metal band. I drank. I smoked.

I had long been interested to the point of obsession in learning the true nature of reality. Like many (or all?) people, I had a deep down, inescapable feeling that something was wrong with the world.

I had been raised in an atheist household. Then, when I was about 12 years old, my father decided to murder a bunch of strangers. Long story, but the end result was that he became a fundamentalist Christian. He gave his heart to Jesus and informed us that we needed to do the same. So we did. And that’s why that feeling of wrongness made sense to me. It was the Fall of Man. The Devil’s doing. The punishment inflicted on us all by God because of what some dude six-thousand years ago did in some garden with a talking snake.

I did not at the time understand that this religion, with it’s sinning and with it’s hell-fire was a mental trap. Just believe everything in the Bible is true. That God loves you dearly. That mankind is His special creation. That He gave us the gift of Free Will. We do have the option of not believing any of this. But if you don’t, God will stop loving you and then He will burn your soul forever.

How can you not love a god like that?

I firmly believed all this as I sat in that chair. In that basement. I was a lousy Christian though. I was really into hermetic philosophy and quantum physics. I studied witchcraft and told myself I needed to know the ways of The Enemy. And I was proud of all this.

Immensely proud.

So proud, that one night I inscribed a protective circle with a pentagram on the floor of my bedroom, stood inside of it and addressed a prayer to Satan himself. A challenge. I looked him right in the metaphorical eye and boasted, “You can never break my Faith. Go ahead. Hit me with your best shot!”

So then he did.

Lucifer the Light-bearer Illuminated me the following night. In that basement. In that chair.

As I sat there, I was furiously trying to figure out the relationship between Good and Evil. I decided that those words were too nebulous and settled instead on Order versus Chaos. I defined Order as being the tendency to create forms and patterns and Chaos as sheer randomness. As I analyzed and compared the relationship between these two incompatible concepts, it dawned on me that these two states were actually two parts of a single thing. This combined “thing” was a scale. Ultimate Order and Ultimate Chaos were opposing ends of this scale and any position along it could only have meaning in comparison to another point on the scale. One point cannot exist without the other.

It was as if some mental log-jam had started to break apart in my head. It wasn’t just that Good could not exist without Evil. It was that they were the same thing.

My mind was off and running. How about Light and Dark? Same thing. Life and Death. The same. Matter and Energy, Fear and Love, Knowledge and Ignorance, Truth and Lies, Reality and Illusion. Everything and Nothing.

Furthermore, each of these now unified pairs comprised a single pole of a different duality. For example, the Love/Fear pair is, when recognized to be one single unit, one pole of the Passion/Indifference scale.

And so on…

Absolutely everything was relative.

In the alchemical language that I was so familiar with, I had found the Universal Solvent. So what did I do with it? I dissolved everything.

Layer by layer until all that was left was me and the Void.

(Now when I say “Void”, I don’t mean Nothing. And I don’t mean Everything. It was both… AND it was neither.)

Then I applied the Solvent one more time and saw that me and the Void were also the same thing.

The next step was terrifying. Could it really be that I didn’t exist as a separate creature? To take the next step could result in the annihilation of what I had always thought of as myself. It would be spiritual suicide.

But I just had to fucking know.

And there it was that I found The Philosopher’s Stone. Right there. In the Center. Not an object of course, but a piece of Knowledge. A state of Understanding that dwells in perfect potential between all things. At the very heart of all paradox.

Here’s where language begins to fail. The thoughts and experiences I try to describe beyond this point cannot be understood by another person unless they also do the leg-work. They must themselves think hard on these things before they can understand the concepts that I can only describe symbolically. One cannot truly understand something that one has not experienced.

Suddenly, I was free from a cage that I didn’t even know I was in. A cage I had built myself. I could see that words were just labels we juggle in our heads. Indeed, even the very thoughts that lie behind the words are like bricks in a wall that only serves to block out the Light that has always been there. The Light of pure Being. In other words, I had gotten back the innocence and clarity I had lost by entering this world.

This Stone is the goal of all philosophy. It is the finest treasure in existence. It bestows the god-like power to redefine your reality in any way you choose. Need to open a Door? Apply the Stone. Break some Chains? Stone. Transform something ugly into something beautiful? Stone. Want to believe in something unbelievable?


And there was something else too. An amazing ability to use the Stone to comprehend anything. To Understand all Mysteries. To realize that our true identity is the Consciousness behind all things. We are all God. Always have been. Always will be.

Not “co-creators”, but Creator.

The Philosopher’s Stone is a real thing. It really does grant the ability to turn dross into gold and It really does give (the awareness of) eternal life.

My prayer to The Devil had been answered. He did indeed hit me with his best shot.

Just before he disappeared forever.

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