Let’s pretend that you and I are standing on a street-corner having a congenial conversation. Suddenly and unexpectedly, I sucker-punch you right in the face.

How would you react? Would you just keep talking as if nothing had happened? Would you stop talking and try to analyze the situation? Or might you simply ask me why in the world had I done that?

If you say “yes” to any of those things, you are an exceptional human being. Perhaps a saint or an android or something.

Most people would hit me right back immediately without even thinking about it. This action would manifest before the will to do so could materialize. You would not decide to hit me and then do so. It would just happen all of a piece.

Okay, let’s jump ahead to our court date. After carefully listening to the testimonies of ourselves and witnesses, the Judge will pronounced me guilty of assault and some form punishment would be applied. You on the other hand, would not be found guilty of hitting me. Fair enough, right?

Society recognizes that you are innocent of striking me. Indeed, any injury I sustain from your returning blow would be considered “just deserts” and no sympathy would be directed my way.

As far as the laws of man and nature are concerned – I punched myself.

Karma in it’s purest form. Also known as The Golden Rule and as Newton’s Third Law. Do a Google search on the word “Justice”. Now hit the “Images” button. What do you see? Balance scales.

It all evens out in the end; What comes around, goes around; As you sow, so shall you reap. There is not a culture or caste that does not recognize this powerful spiritual law.

Not only does this principle operate automatically at all levels below the Monad, it also operates invisibly. In our opening scenario, I co-opted your will. I controlled your fist every bit as much as I controlled my own. And you were oblivious to it.

Be vigilant! The reactor is not always the actor.

I am not recommending a course of action here. I am merely alerting you to the fact that you have strings that can be pulled by others without you ever suspecting a thing. You will reckon those thoughts or actions to be your own and so you will be left alone to face Justitia. With her scales. And with her blindfold. And with her sword.

While the secret puppeteer dances away, laughing.