Month: November 2016 Page 1 of 3


Wide my eyes
with tender lies.
I seek the wild magic in your soul.
Feel it stir and slowly rise
then gently turn to gold.

I will spin a tale of a Stone that is not
as you show me your Heart.

(I see you are me.)

As we race with our face to the Sun,
abandon your soul,
shake off it’s hold!
Cowered in fear of the One
it becomes.

Lowered in death
and the Stranger is met
and haunted memory brings
the sight
of the Beast in the night
as it sings
seeks the Light.

Closely drawing…

Almost now…

Dawning ever now…


“The Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel.”

Are you familiar with the meaning and history of this phrase?  I first came across it in Mather’s Golden Dawn.  It is also of course, the raison d’ete for the Book of Abramelin.

So what are we really talking about here? A magician summoning a biblical angel and grilling it for information? As with most anything, the answer is “yes” and “no”.

The Bible is a collection of books that made perfect sense to the the people of ancient milieux who penned them in now largely dead languages. Murky stuff for we who can only understand them “through a glass darkly”. Reading about and even performing the Abramelin Operation will probably lead you into confusion and your friends and family into consternation. Embark on that little project and they will desert you long before the six months are over. Then you will only have yourself to talk to…

And that would be… success!

If you want to talk to God, you may address Him through a conduit. Via one of his holy messengers. An angel, in other words. You and Me and Interface makes three! Christian readers might experience a (small “r”) revelation here. The Holy Spirit (also called the “Angel of the Lord”) is added to the previous concept of The Father and The Son.

Unity, Duality, Trinity.

Allow for the idea that All is One. (You might have to take my word for it here.)

Ever notice your tendency to talk to yourself? It may even descend to the level of words, spoken out loud or just internally. Example: “Let’s see, what can I have for lunch?” (You peek into the cupboard.) “Ah! There’s a can of soup. I can have that with some crackers!”

Question + Answer = Conversation.

Crowley loved to call this “the hunchback and the soldier” in reference to the shapes of the question mark and the explanation point.


Before you have the Stone (or become “born again” as Jesus may have phrased it), your perspective is that of a child learning from a Parent.

Following Illumination, your perspective flips and your point of view becomes that of a parent teaching a Child. You have incorporated yourself and completed the Great Work. Congratulations, Janus!

Cerberus is mastered and the Way is open.

Sacred, “Gee, I’m a Tree!”

Once upon a springtime on the floor of an enormous forest, a small and tender shoot broke up through the ground. A pair of tiny leaves opened tentatively and felt the warmth of the sun for the very first time.

“Look! Look at me!” cried the little green shoot. “I am alive! The Lord has created me! He must have great plans for me indeed!” Days passed as the little plant continued to grow and strengthen. More leaves appeared. Photosynthesis started up in earnest and she drank from the life-giving earth and pulled energy from the carbon dioxide and sunlight surrounding her. Filled with exuberance, she prayed fervently to God. “Thank-you Lord, for creating me! I know you will do great things with me and I can’t wait until you tell me what my place in this wonderful world will be.”

Just then a baby rabbit hopped up and sniffed at the tender young shoot. Before the little plant had a chance to introduce herself, the bunny bit off and ate one of her leaves. The plant was shocked and horrified. “Help me Lord!” she prayed, and the bunny went on his way.

More time passed and the little shoot grew into a slender sapling. Although she was now much stronger, she was a little less confident and happy because she knew that bad things could happen to her at any time. She continued to ask God to reveal His plan. To ask Him what her role in creation would be.

A year went by. Insects nibbled at her leaves and roots. She suffered these small but countless agonies in humble silence, knowing that God had a plan for her.

More years went by and she grew into a fine, tall tree. Birds and squirrels made their nests and raised their families in her branches. Tired travelers rested in the shade at the base of her trunk. “Look at me now Lord,” she said. “I am big and strong and in the prime of my life. Tell me the task for which You have created me. I am ready.”

Seeds began to appear on her branches one summer and the tree was delighted. Perhaps she would begin a dynasty of fine trees that would a become part of the mighty forest surrounding her!

But autumn came and the wind blew the seeds away. “What are you doing to me Lord?” she cried in her grief. “All I want to do is to serve you and have a purpose but you never hear my prayers. Did you create me for nothing? I am so tired of being useless!”

Many, many years went by but nothing changed. The tree grew old and bitter. One summer a nearby tree was struck by lightning and destroyed. “Was that meant for me Lord? Why don’t you just kill me and end my useless existence?”

The very next spring a man passed by and marked her trunk with red paint. “What is this?” wondered the old tree. “He did not mark all the trees in the clearing, just me! I am special for some reason. Has my destiny finally arrived?”

A few weeks later, more men came with axes and saws. They chopped the tree down. As she lay dying, the men cut her trunk into logs and tossed them into a nearby river to be floated to the sawmill. In her final moments, she railed against the cruelty of God.

“Why did you even make me Lord? Just to have me killed? I tried so hard to be special, to be of some use to You and the world you created. But you never gave me a purpose! You never gave me a chance! My whole life has been a complete waste.”

“I hate you!”


There at your feet,
the yawning black.
Why don’t you leap?
There’s wolves at your back!
You do not laugh.
Please tell me why.

What fear?
The air?
Oh, needless woe!
You really don’t know?
You silly bird…

You can Fly!

Le Scaphandre et le Papillon

His dream was shattered by the harsh clang of the cell door. Opening his eyes, the man on the top bunk was aware of the receding footsteps of the night guard. The darkness outside the tiny, barred window gave no clue to the hour. Only that it was still night.
Beneath him, the bed jostled gently as someone sat on the bunk below.
Coming quickly to wakefulness, he lay listening. Who was his new cellmate? Should he speak now or feign sleep until daylight? He knew that actual sleep would be impossible until he knew the nature of the man below. To hell with it.
“Hey there,” he said in a low voice. A brief silence followed.
“Hello,” a wary voice answered. “I am Jacques. And you?”
“I am Claude.”
“Pleased to meet you Claude. I am sorry if my arrival woke you.”
“Ah, so am I! I was dreaming of the most wonderful place.”
The bed shifted again. Jacques stood up, his head a dim gray blob in the darkness to Claude’s left.
“Claude, do you have a lamp?” asked Jacques. He spoke in an odd, detached voice.
“I have but a single candle. The guard lights it for me in the evening but once I blow it out, I must wait for morning to see again.”
“Oh,” said Jacques, sitting back down again. “I have a cigarette and I wished to share it with you.”
Claude smiled in the darkness, relaxing slightly.
“Thank-you Jacques. We will smoke together when morning comes. For now all I can suggest is sleep.”
“Is that your escape, Claude? Sleep?”
“No,” sighed Claude. “Dreaming is my escape.”
Several minutes passed. “Goodnight,” Claude whispered softly, thinking perhaps his new acquaintance might have gone to sleep.
“Do you love to dream?” Jacques whispered back.
“Ah yes. Sometimes those places seem more real than this accursed cage.”
“Aren’t they?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean don’t you ever wake up in your dreams?
“Wake up from my dreams?”
“No. I mean waking up IN the dream.”
“Oh, I know what you mean! Yes! There are times when I suddenly realize that I am dreaming. When that happens I can make the dream become whatever I wish.”
“And what do you do when this happens?”
“I fly! Always I go outside and I fly through the air.” Claude was smiling now, his head filling with the memories.
“That is real freedom isn’t it?”
“Oh yes. There is no better freedom. I only wish I could experience it whenever I want.”
“But you can, Claude.”
“What do you mean?”
“How do you wake up in your dreams?”
“Well,” said Claude, thinking, remembering, “Usually it begins when I notice something is not right. The last time, there was an iron latch on a door that I knew should have a wooden knob. This causes me to ask myself whether I might be dreaming. Then I test things. I see if I can float or make something appear in my hand. If this happens, I know I am dreaming. I know I can fly.”
“Well my friend, here is a little clue. If you find yourself asking whether a place or a thing is real, that means it is not.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that true reality is readily apparent. Ask yourself if this is real now. Are you dreaming you are in a prison cell or are you really here?”
“Ahh. Yes, I am afraid this place is all too real.”
“Okay, so you know what I mean.”
“Yes, I will try to remember that in my dreams.”
“Good. It will truly help. Now Claude, do you know what the next step is?”
“What are you talking about?”
“I am talking about the layers. What you call real now may be just a dream to someone who is more truly conscious.”
“I mean that you can wake up from this dream that most people think is real. The great mystics call it Awakening with a capital “A”.”
“Now you are talking like a crazy man.”
“No! I am serious. If you can wake up from this dream, you will have power over it. Just like you can in your dreams. Then you will be able to really fly!”
Claude sighed to himself. His hopes of finally having an intelligent conversation fading. His new companion was just as crazy as the last one. Outside the window, the first pale rays of dawn crept into the sky. He sighed again
“Okay, Jacques. Whatever you say.”
Sitting up, he swung his legs over the edge of the bunk. “Soon the guard will be here with our breakfast. Then we will smoke that cigarette of yours.” He leapt to the floor, wincing from the chill of the cold stone on his bare feet.
He turned to face his new cellmate. “Jacques?”
The bottom bunk was empty.
He was alone in the cell.

“What’s wrong dear? A bad dream?”
“Sort of, I guess,” mumbled Jacques, sitting up in the bed. “I was in a prison or something.”
“Well you’re free now,” murmured his wife, putting a warm, soft arm around him. “Now lay back down and go to sleep.”


Imagine you are “God”. By that, I mean an entity of pure consciousness and eternal presence that consists of all there is. You exist in a state of indescribably blissful good humor and love. The great and infinite I AM that the Philosopher’s Stone will allow you to access whenever you like. That is because at the very core of your being is a tiny spark of that same I AM. When you learn to retreat back into this “default” position at will, you need never suffer from anything again. Ever.

You will also find, after the novelty passes (and it will), that this state of profound bliss eventually becomes profoundly boring. (Only within Time does this happen but that’s another subject for another, well…) Seriously though, God creates the universes with It’s Mind for the purpose of amusement. The I Am that is at the core of your being is the Puppeteer and that human thing that you believe yourself to be is the puppet. And all of what we call “reality” is a vast, grand and endlessly entertaining Show.

So, you ask, how does that work? Well, at this point I would recommend you read up on quantum physics. (Yes, I know. But I never said this was going to be easy.) My point is to get you to see that science logically leads us to the idea that reality ultimately consists of a great “quantum field” from which everything seems to materialize out of and dematerialize back into. Established science finds this puzzling and calls this phenomenon spontaneous and seemingly meaningless. But current science is based on the assumption that there is no God. You may find this difficult to swallow until you actually see it for yourself but try this as a hypothesis for now: The quantum field is not only conscious, but it is infinitely loving and wise. And it has a keen sense of humor.

Now that would explain some things, wouldn’t it?

Okay, so this infinite, conscious being creates everything continually using the stuff of It’s all-pervasive Mind. In a way, we are being imagined by It. (I use the term “It” to avoid the words “Him” or “Her” because at this level, gender is meaningless. I do not mean to make It seem impersonal. In point of fact, It is as personal as can be. That’s because It is you and you are It!) As am I.

To put it in simple terms, God is telling Itself stories in the same way that we ourselves do when we dream. Part of us is creating an environment and circumstances that another part of us is experiencing.

Okay, enough of the cosmic big-picture stuff for the moment. Let’s zoom in on a particular piece of God’s consciousness as it breaks off into a separate, discreet unit that I liken to a puppet that It wants to experience reality through.

Let’s call this puppet “You”.

Remember what it was like when you were first born? You probably don’t but don’t worry; we can get back there simply by subtracting everything you’ve learned since that moment. Okay, maybe it won’t be so simple. But it can be done.

Let’s imagine that the traumatic separation from your mother has just taken place. The sudden waves of light and sound that washed you up onto the beach of human existence are now receding. You’re in shock. You’re probably crying. But you survived and believe it or not, you will actually get used to this world pretty quickly. For now though, you succumb to the physical and emotional exhaustion of the big event and soon drift off to sleep…

A little time passes and you wake up in this world for the very first time.

That is the moment I want you to try to capture in your imagination. Aside from some extremely muffled environmental sounds, you have no memories of anything in this new world. You have no knowledge. For what is knowledge but the practical application of memory? You have no thoughts because you have no words. You are pure Being. You simply Are. The world around you simply Is.

Congratulations! You have achieved the pure and blissful perfection of innocence symbolized by the Garden of Eden. Enjoy it while you can because very shortly you are going to partake of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and get your sorry ass kicked right out of paradise.

The point I’m trying to make here is that the knowledge symbolized by the Philosopher’s Stone is already there inside you. You were born Illuminated but you’ve forgotten because you wandered naively into the blinding blizzard of thoughts and emotions and ideas that we call the mind. And the farther you get from the state of original innocence, the more insane both you and the world will seem to become.

Let’s get back to the image of you, the freshly minted baby laying there in your crib or whatever. You don’t know any words of course. You don’t even know that there are words. It can be a challenge to imagine what that was like. Can we think without words? That depends on what you’re definition of “thinking” is. Our first experience with words, with language, comes in later years when others will teach you a sound that corresponds to some discrete piece of reality. Later, they will draw you a symbol that corresponds to that sound so you will be able to read them and write them down. Words. Labels. But before there was “Mommy” and “bottle” and “poopy”, you and the world around you were simply one undifferentiated Thing. You were the Experience! You were capable of thought at the time of course. Pure thought that exists beyond the language you would later be taught. “I feel a need. – Almost a pain. – It is hunger. – What do I do? – Here she comes. – With the bottle! – Here I am! – Thank you. – I love you Mommy.”

You experienced all that without knowing a single word. Think about that. See if you can still think about that without resorting to words. This is important because to understand the ideas put forth on this website, you will need to be able to go beyond mere words and return to that level of pure thought. This may sound difficult but it really isn’t. You do it all the time. It wasn’t until the advent of words that we began to tear the world apart into separate items by giving them each a label. Then, due to sheer laziness, we began to substitute the labels for the real things.

And that’s when the problems arose…

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