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Scaring the Bogeyman

Aliens and angels. Gods and daemons. The Fey and the Djinn.

Call them what you like. There are entities that we don’t want to know about for the most part. Our refusal to look for them makes them appear to be hiding in the shadows. They are as plain as day to some of us but for most, they are mysterious ghost-like figures that interact with us as if from a different dimension.

There is nothing wrong with this. It is the natural order of all Creation.

Throughout time, mankind had looked up to these Powers in our bid to rise to higher levels of consciousness through prayers and magic as well as through invention and mastery over our physical environment. They in turn, have been ready to uplift some individuals as a way to gradually bring the entire population both in spirit and in body up to their own levels of understanding and ability.

And there are the other ones. The ones who will happily lure you down to their level. Since they have little of real value to offer, they will make great promises to appeal to your weakest nature. Your ego. Do you want money? Power? Fame?

Are they evil? Not ultimately. They don’t understand humans. We are a shadowy presence to them. Only when they can draw us down to their own level can they comprehend our motives and desires.

It has often been said that they feed on our fear but this is not literally the case. They enjoy frightening us for the same reason we find it funny to induce a jump-scare upon friends or family. They find it deeply funny.

What they do not enjoy is if you can turn the tables by laughing at them. Drowning them in gales of laughter is the surest way to rid yourself of so-called evil entities.

Taking The Reins


What does that mean? What makes a thing meaningful or meaningless? It is a perceived quality of a thing. Is it objective or subjective? Is it something we apply to a thing or is it something resident to a thing that we react to?

Which is better? A meaningful existence or a meaningless one?

Meaningful of course. Nobody ever committed suicide because their lives just seemed so meaningful.

So this is important. It’s something we should be in control of. And we are.

There is nothing wrong with talking to yourself. It’s listening to yourself that gets you into trouble. We are creating ourselves with the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves. If we don’t do it consciously, we let a mental autopilot take over. As in a a self-driving vehicle, the autopilot does an adequate job under calm, controlled conditions. But when the weather turns bad or an unexpected situation presents itself, the autopilot will lose control (often by overcorrecting) and the actual pilot must assume control.

Letting your mental autopilot (your inner dialogue) run out of control is the source of most psychological problems.

We re-assert control of our lives by taking control of the narrative. We are the authors of, not the characters in our stories. You are where you are because you put yourself there. Or you let your autopilot take you there.

The only thing that stands between you and who you want to be is you.

Your life has as much or as little meaning as you want it to.

Stop listening to yourself.

Start telling yourself.

The Danse Macabre

Everything has two sides. Every one contains a two and every two contains a three and three’s a magic number.

Three can be a bridge or a wall. Harmony or chaos. It represents the interface between dualities. This is the rarified origin of war. War requires two parties that define themselves in reference to each other. When there is peace, the people are one.

War is exciting.

Peace is boring.

War stimulates creativity.

Peace becomes stagnant.

In many cultures throughout time, it was believed that to die for a noble cause was to be preferred over a death from disease or old age. To love life and to cling to enjoyment was spurned as weakness. Strength was manly. Weakness was womanly.

Which is superior? Black, White or their mottled child, Grey?

To fear death is to suffer.

To embrace death is to be free.

To dance along the edge is Divine.

Return to Eden

I’m going to tell you how to simulate a certain type of brain damage.


Okay then, let’s get rid of that troublesome neocortex!

“Logos” and “Rhema” both mean “The Word of God”. Logos is used to mean the written word and Rhema is when God speaks directly in your heart. Those in the Abrahamic world generally understand this in a similar way. The first is whatever is contained in their sanctioned holy books. The second denotes what in Christianity is referred to as the Holy Spirit.

This is all wrong, of course.

The Word is just simply that. A label we stick on things. What we name something. This is a useful mental tool. The distillation of what was there before we replaced it with a symbol. But like many other tools, it can be dangerous if improperly used.

Labels are blindfolds.

Does the world around you seem broken up and difficult to make sense of? Why might that be? The world seems crazy and incomplete because we can’t see it anymore. All we see are the labels and most of those don’t make a lot of sense. When we go out into nature, (by which we mean away from the influence of humans) we find peace. Why? Do the wild animals and plants seem to be struggling to understand the world? Are they confused? No. Because they are experiencing only the Rhema. A little of that rubs off on us when we are around them. Domestic animals are more troubled and can even go mad but that is because a little of us rubs off on them.

So you go into the woods and encounter something and immediately say to yourself, “deer!” or, “fish!” or whatever.

And that’s it. You just ruined the experience. You killed a part of God so you could nail It’s skeleton on your wall. I’m speaking metaphorically here. See if you can rise above my words.

The next part is a discipline. It is best to start as far away from other people as you can. Better yet, take some camping gear and go out alone into the wilderness for a few days. Take a phone in case of an emergency but leave it turned off.


Shut the hell up!

As quickly as you can, start ripping labels off. When you see something, only see it. When you hear something, only hear it. Don’t name anything. Keep at it. You will fail at first but you will gradually get better at it. Try to experience the world the way a baby does. What does a deer look like if you don’t know it is a “deer”?

Once you achieve this, you will become connected to the world directly. Once that happens, once you stop defining everything, the world will have the capacity (with your permission) to offer you new things. If so, most likely, you will do what you have been trained all your life to do. You’ll say to yourself, “hallucination!”

And in a way, it is. You will see that the world is really like God’s dream. Anything is possible here. Careful though, if you have fear in your heart, it may manifest. You may come across something monstrous. If you do, rip that label off and try to truly see it.

You may fail and find yourself getting your ass kicked by some hellish beast, but you may also gain some insight on how it is you who shapes reality.

Tri-state Area

A staple of religious thought as well as of psychology is the idea that we as individuals are made up of multiple parts. Spirit and ego; soul and id; body and mind. Is there any truth to this? Are we one thing or many things?

At the most rarified level we are simply Consciousness. Basic awareness as a manifestation of the Great Spirit.

We also hear the word “soul” thrown around but only rarely defined in a concise way. I have come to see the soul as the programming that controls our interaction with the outer world. It is a thing that is built over time. It will endure if we reinforce it. It will fade if we do not. It encompasses the emotional level that we may refer to as our heart. It is our self beyond the intellect. Revealed most dramatically in life or death situations like when a soldier throws himself onto a grenade without thinking to save his comrades at the cost of his own life. Or more subtly by the way a person acts (and more importantly reacts) in their dreams.

Another place where raw souls can be seen is in those with dementia. What is encountered is the residual “auto-pilot” that was left behind when the conscious entity began to move on to other realities.

So what happens to your soul after you die? If you are what has been described as Enlightened, the soul will dissipate with the body. If not, the soul will remain because you are still invested in an identity. This will cause your unconscious to create yet another body and another world around what you think is you.

You will lose your body. You can lose your soul.

But you can never lose your Spirit.

Icarus Can Swim

During the time immediately following my discovery of the Stone, I went through a period of spiritual free-fall. With a fresh understanding of morality and karmic responsibility, I became aware that evil was not a forbidden or even undesirable thing.

Suffering strengthens, pain teaches. The presence of evil is what makes goodness possible. It is the very existence of sickness that makes wholesomeness so desirable.

During that time I was mentally capable of committing heinous deeds for which I would feel no remorse.

It was terrifying.

In my early years I was for the most part a good-hearted child. I had a deep love for what I called “God’s little creatures” and would go out of my way to save earthworms from drowning when the rain flooded their burrows. Later, as a teenager, I was taught and accepted that God and love were somehow identical as described in the Christian Bible.

But now after the Stone, the love that I had believed to be the central, most important thing in the universe was relegated to being merely half of a duality. Logically, there was no real difference between saving a life or taking one. The discovery that God was pure Consciousness led me to the idea that our true Self was simply what I called “The Witness”. Cold and aloof, above the fray. Neutral on all matters. Filled with humor but devoid of warmth, God seemed to be laughing at It’s own creation’s expense.

Was this cosmic horror-show the actual truth?

I felt hurt and lost. I made fun of those who did not “Know”. I had nothing but derision for those Christian fools who believed all the bullshit that I myself used to believe. I embraced my identity as a simple Watcher.

Yet it still felt wrong. My logic was impeccable but there was an underlying sadness and a longing for the time when I was vulnerable to emotions and fantasies. A longing for the ignorance that had once allowed me to feel like a part of the world instead of the Understanding that now allowed me to soar above it.

Leave it to me to find Enlightenment disappointing.

There was this love-shaped hole at the center of my being that could not be filled. Logically, I could not see a reason for love to be especially important.

Then I realized that there existed an absolute proof that it actually was very important.

My proof was the very existence of that love-shaped hole. There is no logical reason to be filled with love but there is also no logical reason not to be!

I had discovered that love for others is it’s own reward. And as I learned to forgive myself for my appalling ignorance, I went ahead and forgave everyone else for theirs too.

And so my spiritual free-fall ended back on solid ground. But this solid ground is a bit higher up than my previous perch.

And the view is so much nicer.

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